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    Title: 微博留言的情緒在政策滿意度的中介下對女性婚育態度極化之影響 ——以名人離婚議題下的恐婚恐育現象為例
    The impact of the emotion of Weibo messages on the polarization of women’s attitudes toward marriage and childbearing mediated by policy satisfaction: A case study of the fear of marriage and childbearing under the issue of celebrity divorce
    Authors: 朱麗微
    Zhu, Liwei
    Contributors: 朱灼文
    Chu, Cho-Wen
    Zhu, Liwei
    Keywords: 婚姻態度
    Attitude toward marriage
    Attitude toward childbearing
    Attitude polarization
    Emotional arousal
    Emotional valence
    Three-Child policy
    Policy satisfaction
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:04:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 當少子女化已成為世界多國的難題之際,本研究從中國大陸頒布「三孩政策」引發負面輿論的背景出發,以中國大陸適婚年齡女性網友為對象,探究在婚育尚未脫鉤且日漸泛娛樂化的社會氛圍下,名人離婚議題的新浪微博留言如何透過其中的情緒喚醒度與情緒效價來影響這些網友婚、育態度的極化及社群傳播力,並驗證在上述影響過程之中,該群體對「三孩政策」及其配套措施的滿意度是否具有中介作用。本研究以社群媒體的態度極化以及情緒相關理論為基礎,採用線上調查實驗法,以王力宏離婚事件中引起矚目的李靚蕾「萬字控訴長文」微博及其留言為實驗素材,透過2(喚醒度:高 vs. 低)×2(效價:正 vs. 負)的實驗設計,分析了201個有效樣本。結果發現,留言的情緒喚醒度與婚姻態度極化呈正相關,且政策滿意度在其間發揮中介效果;留言的情緒效價與傳播力呈負相關,政策滿意度也在其間發揮中介效果。可見提高政策滿意度對於促進婚姻態度的和諧、緩解過激言論的散布具有積極意義。本研究也發現,大陸民眾的政治參與可能會透過討論看似與政治無關的娛樂新聞來實現。
    With sub-replacement fertility becoming a pressing challenge in many countries, this study starts from the background of the negative public opinion triggered by the promulgation of the "three-child policy" in mainland China, also in the social atmosphere in which marriage and childbearing are still closely linked and pan-entertainment is on the rise. It takes female netizens of marriageable age in mainland China as the target group to investigate how the degree of emotional arousal and emotional valence of the Sina Weibo comments on celebrity divorces can affect the polarization of their attitudes towards marriage and childbearing as well as the spreadability of comments, and verifies whether the group's satisfaction with the "three-child policy" and its supportive measures has a mediating role in the above influence process. Based on the theories related to attitude polarization on social media and affective science, the study uses a two-factor experimental design (Arousal: High vs. Low × Valence: Positive vs. Negative). This online survey experiment collected 201 valid samples using a Weibo post by which Li Jinglei condemned a famous singer, Wang Leehom, who was divorcing her and its comments as experimental materials. The results indicate a positive correlation between emotional arousal in comments and the polarization of the attitudes toward marriage, with policy satisfaction acting as a mediating factor. Additionally, emotional valence in comments was negatively correlated with the spreadability of comments, also mediated by policy satisfaction. The findings suggest that increasing policy satisfaction can promote harmonious marriage attitudes and mitigate the dissemination of extreme comments. The study also reveals that the political engagement of ordinary people in mainland China may occur through the discussions of seemingly apolitical entertainment news.
    Reference: 丁煌(2003)。〈淺談政策有效執行的信任基礎〉。《理論探討》,5,91–93。
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