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    Title: 社群時代下新聞性網紅之初探
    An Initial Exploration of News-ness Influencers in the Era of Social Communities
    Authors: 陳博志
    Chen, Bo-Zhi
    Contributors: 劉昌德
    Liu, Chang-De
    Chen, Bo-Zhi
    Keywords: 社群時代
    The Era of Social Communities
    News-ness Influencers
    Social Media Influencers
    Knowledge Influencers
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:03:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著社群媒體興起,傳統新聞機構的影響力逐漸減弱,這些新興媒體創造了許多新形式的新聞工作者,憑藉創意性的內容、靈活的工作模式以及對社會議題的關注,在新聞生態中佔據了重要位置。然而,現有的研究對於此群體的工作特徵、內容創新及其對社會影響的認識仍然不足。本研究延伸社群時代下「知識性網紅」概念,旨在探討新聞性網紅(News-ness Influencers)在當前社群時代中的角色定位,並分析其對新聞業的挑戰與機遇。
    本研究採用半結構式深度訪談法(Semi-Structured Interview),對多位新聞性網紅團隊成員進行訪談,了解其工作模式、勞動條件、內容創作及其對社會影響的看法。探討新聞性網紅團隊如何在當前社群媒體環境中進行內容創新。

    With the rise of social media, the influence of traditional news organizations has gradually weakened. These emerging media have created many new forms of journalists who, through creative content, flexible work models, and a focus on social issues, have taken a significant position in the news ecosystem. However, existing research remains insufficient in understanding the work characteristics, content innovation, and social impact of this group. This study extends the concept of "knowledge influencers" in the social media era and aims to explore the role positioning of "news-ness influencers" in the current social media landscape, while also analyzing the challenges and opportunities they present to the news industry.

    This study employed Semi-Structured Interview with members of news-ness influencer teams to gain insights into their work patterns, working conditions, content creation, and views on social impact. It explores how news-ness influencer teams innovate content within the current social media environment.

    The results indicate that news-ness influencer teams exhibit strong autonomy and flexibility in their work. They create more engaging content through diverse content formats, such as videos, images, and social media interactions, successfully attracting and retaining large audiences. The widespread use of visual elements, along with the expression of personalization and authenticity, enables news-ness influencer teams to create stronger interactions and connections with their fans.

    The rise of news-ness influencers has redefined the role of journalists and presented new challenges and reflections for traditional journalism. The success of these influencers in content innovation and social engagement demonstrates that journalism in the era of social communities is no longer confined to traditional frameworks. Instead, it has increasingly integrated more diverse role positioning, combining professionalism with creativity to adapt to the rapidly changing digital media environment, thereby reshaping the overall value of journalism.
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