題名: | 論思覺失調症患者之民事上法律能力認定與成年監護制度之使用 A Study on the Assessment of Civil Legal Capacity and the Use of Adult Guardianship of Patients with Schizophrenia |
作者: | 許鈺昕 Hsu, Yu-Hsin |
貢獻者: | 戴瑀如 Dai, Yu-Zu 許鈺昕 Hsu, Yu-Hsin |
關鍵詞: | 思覺失調症 成年監護輔助制度 法律能力 意思能力 民法第75條後段 結婚能力 遺囑能力 侵權行為責任能力 收養能力 性行為同意能力 英國心智能力法 身心障礙者權利公約 Schizophrenia Adult Guardianship and Assistance System Legal Capacity Mental Capacity Civil Code Article 75 Capacity to Marry Testamentary Capacity Tort Liability Capacity to Adopt Capacity to Consent to Sexual Activity Mental Capacity Act Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). |
日期: | 2024 |
上傳時間: | 2024-09-04 14:52:24 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 社會上就思覺失調症患者的討論,多集中於如何「處遇」或「治理」思覺失調症患者,而有關思覺失調症患者在日常生活中可能遇到的困境,則較不為大眾所知。事實上,當一個人擁有幻覺和妄想,在日常生活中可能會遇到無數的難題,例如在進行日常交易買賣的當下,可能不具備進行財產行為所須的意思能力;或者,在簽訂結婚契約、訂立遺囑時,亦可能不具備所須的意思能力。綜上所述,皆和民法息息相關。 民法上與精神疾病相關的規範,最重要的有二:進行法律行為所須的能力(包含民法第75條後段、結婚能力……等),以及成年監護輔助制度。隨著我國步入高齡社會,有關民事上法律能力認定和成年監護制度的討論方興未艾,然而絕大多數並非著眼於思覺失調症患者。是以,有關思覺失調症患者在民法上是否受到足夠的保障,恰好是一個尚未被踏足的領域。 本文首先介紹思覺失調症患者在病狀上與其他精神疾病不同之處,並引介其他學科包含社會工作、人類學,以及心智哲學對於思覺失調症患者的研究,企圖以各種不同的視角,更完整地了解思覺失調症患者的樣貌。其次,本文觀察刑法和醫療行為自主決定能力之法制,闡述其如何在法規範上與個別的精神疾病進行緊密的結合,藉此加以反思民法上之規範,是否亦須針對個別精神疾病的特殊性,作出因應與調整。 其次,本文聚焦在民事法律能力上,探討與思覺失調症患者相關之學說及實務見解,並與英國法加以比較。再者,就我國之成年監護輔助制度,本文針對思覺失調症患者在疾病上的不穩定性,以及支持系統較為薄弱等特性,分析現行法及實務上的操作,是否足以提供思覺失調症患者足夠的保障。 總結而言,在民事法律能力的認定,本文認為民法第75條後段「無意識或精神錯亂」所描述的病情態樣並不具體,難以作為實務據以判斷的標準,宜仿照英國心智能力法之立法政策加以修法,並且針對不同的財產行為,發展出個別的認定標準,以提供實務更為具體的判斷準則。在身分行為,有關遺囑能力之認定,我國實務上多僅強調遺囑人是否「理解」遺囑內容和受益人為何。英國法近年則發展出不同的遺囑能力認定標準,可作為我國未來在「客觀化」遺囑能力認定標準上,能夠加以仿照的典範。在性行為同意能力,我國無論民事或刑事案件,皆係回溯至過去特定時點,探究被害人是否具有性行為同意的能力。然而,英國保護法院所發展出的認定標準,則是「向未來」認定當事人的性行為同意能力(或性關係決策能力),預防性地提供當事人相關的保障或防阻,此為我國所未見的法制,可供我國加以參考。 在成年監護輔助制度,家事事件法第167條雖要求法院於鑑定人前訊問本人,然而實務上的成效不佳。本文認爲,為落實「剝奪行為能力的最後手段性」,宜修訂家事事件法第168條,要求法院記錄訊問內容,或敘明無訊問必要的理由。其次,在思覺失調症患者的支持系統較薄弱的情況下,國家應培植更多關懷思覺失調症患者之非營利組織擔任監護人或輔助人,且法院在選定上,亦可考量為患者選定共同監護人或共同輔助人,並由主管機關或社會福利機構來擔任其中一名監護人(或輔助人),以強化支持系統的穩固性。 最後,現行成年監護制度依據本人心智功能的程度,區分為二元制之監護宣告與輔助宣告,然而在「時的面向」上則較缺乏相關的設計,故對於向思覺失調症此種不穩定性極高之精神疾病類型,現行法較難以因應。本文認爲,宜刪除暫時處分有關附隨性的相關規範,仿照德國暫時處分之規定,使患者和照顧者能夠單獨聲請暫時處分,增加其更多可茲運用的資源。綜上,本文提倡現行法在設計上,應加以考量個別精神疾病的特殊性,使思覺失調症患者在日常生活中,能夠更感受到被制度所支持、活得更有餘裕。 Discussions about individuals with schizophrenia in society often focus on how to "treat" or "manage" them. However, the difficulties that individuals with schizophrenia may face in their daily lives are less frequently addressed outside the fields of social welfare and disability studies. In reality, individuals experiencing hallucinations and delusions may encounter numerous challenges in their daily lives. For example, they might lack the mental capacity required for financial transactions or for entering into marriage contracts or making wills. These issues are closely related to civil law. There are two key legal provisions in civil law concerning mental illness: the capacity required for legal acts (including the latter part of Article 75 of the Civil Code and marriage capacity, etc.), and the adult guardianship and assistance system. As our country transitions to an aging society, discussions about civil legal capacity and the adult guardianship system are growing, but the focus is largely not on individuals with schizophrenia. Therefore, whether schizophrenia patients receive adequate protection under civil law is a relatively unexplored area. This paper first introduces the ways in which schizophrenia differs from other mental illnesses and incorporates research from other disciplines such as social work, anthropology, and philosophy of mind to provide a more comprehensive understanding of individuals with schizophrenia from various perspectives. Next, the paper examines the legal frameworks related to criminal law and medical decision-making autonomy, discussing how these frameworks closely integrate with specific mental illnesses and reflecting on whether civil law regulations should also be adjusted to address the unique characteristics of individual mental illnesses. Following this, the paper reviews theories and practical perspectives related to the civil legal capacity of individuals with schizophrenia and compares them with British law. It also discusses whether the current adult guardianship and assistance system in our country provides sufficient protection for individuals with schizophrenia, given their disease's instability and relatively weak support systems. In summary, regarding the determination of civil legal capacity, this article argues that the condition described in the latter part of Article 75 of the Civil Code— “unconsciousness or mental disorder”—is not specific enough and thus difficult to serve as a standard for practical judgment. It is advisable to amend the law by following the legislative policy of the Mental Capacity Act, developing specific criteria for different property-related actions to provide more concrete guidelines for practical judgments. For personal acts, particularly the determination of testamentary capacity, current practices in our country focus mainly on whether the testator understands the contents of the will and the identity of the beneficiaries. In recent years, the UK has developed different standards for determining testamentary capacity, which could serve as a model for our country in establishing more "objective" standards for testamentary capacity. Regarding consent to sexual activity, both civil and criminal cases in our country look retrospectively to a specific past point in time to determine if the victim had the capacity to consent. However, the standards developed by the UK Court of Protection focus on determining a person's capacity to consent to sexual activity (or decision-making capacity regarding sexual relationships) "looking forward," providing preventive protection and safeguards. This is a legal framework not yet seen in our country and could be considered as a reference. In the adult guardianship and assistance system, although Article 167 of the Family Act requires the court to question the individual in the presence of an expert, the practical effectiveness has been poor. This article suggests that to implement the “last resort” principle of depriving someone of legal capacity, Article 168 of the Family Act should be amended to require the court to record the questioning or provide reasons if questioning is deemed unnecessary. Additionally, given the weak support system for individuals with schizophrenia, the state should foster more non-profit organizations that care for people with schizophrenia to act as guardians or assistants. The court should also consider appointing co-guardians or co-assistants for such individuals, with one of them being selected from government agencies or social welfare organizations to strengthen the support system. Finally, the adult guardianship system is divided into binary categories of guardianship declaration and assistance declaration based on the individual's mental functioning level. However, it lacks considerations for the 'temporal aspect,' making it difficult to address the needs of unstable mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. This paper suggests eliminating the temporary measures related to ancillary regulations and adopting Germany's approach to temporary measures, allowing patients and caregivers to independently request temporary measures and access more available resources. In summary, this paper advocates for a redesign of the current law to consider the specific needs of individual mental illnesses, enabling schizophrenia patients to feel more supported by the system and lead a more comfortable life. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律科際整合研究所 109652019 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109652019 |
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