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    Title: 「善意父母原則」在實務上運用之困境 —以民法第一0五五條之一第一項第六款為中心
    The Practical Challenges of Implementing the ";Friendly Parent Provision";—Focusing on Article 1055-1, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 6 of the Civil Code.
    Authors: 劉逸中
    Liu, Yi-Chung
    Contributors: 許政賢
    Liu, Yi-Chung
    Keywords: 善意父母原則
    Friendly Parent Provision
    Child Custody
    Civil Code Article 1055-1
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:50:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國有關父母離婚後,未成年子女權利義務行使負擔之規範,自民國85 年民法修正公布以來,皆以「子女最佳利益」作為最高指導原則,然「子女最佳利益」係為不確定法律概念,故增訂民法第一0 五五條之一,明定相關客觀事由作為審酌之參考,又於民國102 年增修第六款「善意父母原則」,供法院審酌父母何方較為友善,以作為親權所屬之判斷依據,避免父母以不當之爭取行為,獲得與子女共同相處之機會,以符合繼續性原則,而子女最佳利益定義不易,難有共同標準,法院審理時仍應本於職權綜合一切情狀而為判斷。本文著重在增修第六款後,所有與善意父母原則有關之判決,分別從法院判決書以及憲法法庭進行裁判分析,歸納修法後對實務運作之影響,並透過上述裁判分析,從法官、當事人與社會專業工作者視角出發,論親權酌定過程中,運用「善意父母原則」可能之困境,進行未來展望。
    Since the amendment of the Civil Code in 1996, the regulations regarding the exercise of rights and duties concerning minor children after parental divorce in Taiwan have adhered to the principle of the "best interests of the child" as the paramount guiding standard. However, the "best interests of the child" is an indeterminate legal concept. To address this, Article 1055 1 of the Civil Code was added, specifying relevant objective criteria to serve as references for judicial consideration. In 2013, Clause 6, referred to as the " Friendly Parent Provision" was introduced to provide courts with a framework for determining which parent demonstrates more friendly. This principle serves as a basis for judgments concerning the allocation of children custody. The amendment aims to prevent parents from employing improper tactics to gain opportunities to spend time with their children, thereby ensuring conform with past caretaking standard. This study focuses on analyzing all judicial decisions related to the "Friendly Parent Provision" following the 2013 amendment, with particular emphasis on judgments from civil courts and constitutional court rulings. The analysis seeks to summarize the impact of the legal amendment on practical judicial operations. Furthermore, through this examination, the study explores the potential challenges of applying the "Friendly Parent Provision" during the determination of children custody from the perspectives of judges, lawyers, and social work professionals, and offers prospects for future developments.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106652016
    Data Type: thesis
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