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    Title: 交織於線上與線下的社會設計行動:臺灣原住民族跨文化共學協作網路社群〈巫癒子 WxYZ Co-Lab〉的想像、實踐與反思
    Social Design Action Intertwining Online & Offline: Imagination, Practice, and Reflection of the Taiwan Indigenous Cross-Cultural Co-Learning & Collaborative Online Community “WxYZ Co-Lab”
    Authors: 宋鬱涵
    Sung, Yu-Han
    Contributors: 陳宜秀

    Chen, Yi-Shiu
    Liao, Chun-Feng

    Sung, Yu-Han
    Keywords: 社會設計行動
    social design action
    cross-cultural co-learning
    Taiwan Indigenous cultural learning
    WxYZ Co-Lab
    remote collaborative action
    online community
    socio-cultural practices
    civic engagemen
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:49:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我們正身處於一個以「變動」為常態的環境。在如此充滿易變、不確定、複雜、模糊的VUCA時代,面向著現代以及展望未來更加瞬息萬變、無限多元的移動可能,我們是否也能創造更為彈性的文化學習想像?「回家」,並沒有一個標準的答案。從家鄉流動到異鄉,此地移徙到他方,面視著如此大量繁複、多重離散的移動景況,我們是否能創造更為彈性的文化學習想像圖景?是否能夠接納更多元的文化學習的實踐可能?


    本研究分為前期與後期,前期包含了為期兩年半藉由臺灣原住民族跨文化共學協作網路社群〈巫癒子 WxYZ Co-Lab〉落地實踐的社會設計行動、後期則包含針對過往兩年半設計研究與行動產出而進行的彙整評估與研究反思。本研究探討臺灣原住民族文化之學習與傳承,是否存在更多跨越地理分域、族群分際、時空限制的可能、彈性與機會?在數位時代下,臺灣原住民族文化能夠如何運用數位工具方法、心法或知識技能,以實踐文化永續,探尋當代更多元且複雜的族群文化發展與存續之路徑?何以臺灣原住民族文化之數位實踐在當代尤為重要?而其中,社會設計與設計行動實踐觀點又能扮演怎樣的角色?

    〈巫癒子〉議題關照形貌多元、多向、複數且複雜,在〈巫癒子〉裡面,理解與學習核心議題的形式,大多不僅止於凝望,而是透過實踐行動中具現。這是一篇階段性的行動與設計研究,本研究聚焦探討一個處於當代傳播科技背景脈絡中的社會設計行動產物〈巫癒子〉,特別是關注與聚焦其於2020~2022年間所開展、嘗試的行動實踐歷程,以此作為探照與梳理的主體。而這樣的一個行動生產,其至少實際涵蓋了「從線上到線下」或者「從線下到線上」(Online To Offline或Offline to Online, 簡稱O2O)以及「線上整合線下」(Online Merge Offline, 簡稱OMO)等不同傳遞流動型態,於是本研究在此以「交織於線上與線下」描述之。然而,如同現實世界的矛盾與複雜,〈巫癒子〉社群組成多元、且其社會設計行動實踐涉及議題層面廣泛而龐雜,在各式開放協作的行動專案中,來自各專業背景領域的公民志工行動夥伴都曾以不同領域視角切入,共同對話〈巫癒子〉的行動實踐內涵。在這樣的脈絡背景底下,本研究選擇了其中幾大切面——它們也是在〈巫癒子〉多重歷程裡共同的核心行動元素提煉,來觀看〈巫癒子〉跨域交融動態歷程中的交匯空間。

    We are currently in an environment where "change" is the norm. In this era of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity), filled with rapid changes and endless possibilities for modernity and future prospects, can we create a more flexible cultural learning environment? There is no single, simple or “standard” answer to "homecoming". From migrating from hometowns to foreign lands, or shifting from one place to another, when facing such a vast and complex landscape of movements, can we create a more flexible cultural learning imagination? Can we embrace more diverse practices of cultural learning? In the contemporary digital age, where the distance between "digital" and "real" is increasingly intertwined with our daily lives, we must acknowledge the inseparability of these realms. In the midst of rapid technological advancements in the digital era, can we leverage the development of various communication technologies and tools to create new opportunities for cultural sustainability and social action?

    This research is divided into two phases: an initial phase involving two and a half years of social design actions grounded in the practice of the Taiwan Indigenous Cross-Cultural Co-learning Collaborative Network (WxYZ Co-Lab), and a later phase involves the synthesis, evaluation, and reflection on the design research and actions conducted over the past two and a half years. This study explores whether there are more possibilities for learning and inheriting Taiwan’s Indigenous cultures beyond geographical, ethnic, and temporal constraints as well as what opportunities and flexibility exist. In the digital age, how can Taiwan’s Indigenous cultures utilize digital tools, methods, philosophies, or knowledge to practice cultural sustainability and explore paths for the contemporary and diverse development and survival of ethnic cultures? Why is digital practice of Taiwan’s Indigenous cultures particularly important in the contemporary context? And what roles can social design and design action practices play?

    The topics that WxYZ Co-Lab cares about encompasses diverse, multidirectional, plural, and complex dimensions. In "WxYZ Co-Lab," understanding and learning about core issues mostly occurs not just through observation, but through practical action. This research is a phased study focuseding on exploring a social design action product "WxYZ Co-Lab" within the context of contemporary communication technologies, particularly highlighting the actions and attempts made between the years 2020 and 2022, as the main subject for exploration and review. Such actions entail various forms of transmission and flow, including "Online To Offline" or "Offline to Online" (O2O) and "Online Merge Offline" (OMO), described here as "interwoven online and offline." However, like the contradictions and complexities of the real world, the "WxYZ Co-Lab" community is diverse, and its social design actions involve a wide range of complex issues. In various open collaborative action projects, citizen volunteers from various professional backgrounds have approached the action practice of "WxYZ Co-Lab" from different perspectives, engaging in dialogues about its implications. In this context, the study chooses several major aspects - which are also common core action elements in the multifaceted process of "WxYZ Co-Lab" - to observe the intersectional spaces in the dynamic process of "WxYZ Co-Lab."

    This phased study integrates discussions from various interdisciplinary perspectives, summarizing them in dimensions such as "social design action" (including social design, design activism, social innovation, socially responsive design, service design, and experience design), "communication technology" (including digital communities, online-offline mobilization, and open collaboration), and "Taiwan Indigenous cultural learning" (including cross-cultural co-learning and its digital practices) to conduct an initial exploration of the "WxYZ Co-Lab" social design actions from a cross-disciplinary and integrated perspective , and to position the phased study. It is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather serves as a frame for observing the organic and interactive domain of "WxYZ Co-Lab."
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