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Title: | 侵害身體健康法益事件慰撫金酌定之比較研究 ─以英國與我國法實務案例為中心 A Comparative Study on the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases — Focusing on Practical Cases of British and Taiwanese Law |
Authors: | 高婕如 Kao, Chieh-Ju |
Contributors: | 呂彥彬 Lu, Yen-Pin 高婕如 Kao, Chieh-Ju |
Keywords: | 身體權 健康權 慰撫金 非財產上損害 The Right to Bodily Integrity Right to Health Non-pecuniary Damege General Damage |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-09-04 14:31:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國實務上關於當事人身體權、健康權受侵害而請求慰撫金判決,普遍有說 理不清、欠缺標準與金額偏低之問題。吾人難以透過判決的理由知悉法是如何 酌定慰撫金數額,在有特別考量因素之案件,也未必有明顯的金額增減,故本文 欲透過整理、分析我國近十年來實務判決,並參考英國法之作法,嘗試提出對我 國慰撫金酌定之建議。 英國法上之非財產上損害通常稱為「一般損害」,評價對象為身體上疼痛、 精神上痛苦與生活樂趣喪失,法需綜合一切狀況評估。英國司法學早在 1992 年即出版《評定人身傷害案件一般損害賠償金指引》一書定期更新,依傷害發生 部位與嚴重程度整理歷年判決各傷勢法通常判決的慰撫金金額區間。若是車禍 導致之輕微傷害,被害人還可以透過官方傷害網站的協助請求損害賠償,或是適 用 2021 年增訂之頸椎傷害規範。而我國實務在酌定慰撫金時,通常先引最高法 的判決先例說明須考量的因素,而最常見的因素為雙方學歷、職業、經濟狀況, 再描述事故發生經過與被害人所受傷勢與本案酌定因素,最後給出一個數額。就 慰撫金數額,本文依傷勢整理近十年判決慰撫金區間,和英國法比較後可以看出 在傷勢嚴重案件,英國慰撫金金額高出我國數倍。 本文認為我國初應參考英國《指引》一書編纂裁判彙編,提供當事人請求 或法判決時依循之,據以維持個案公平,日後再往定額化的方式邁進,簡化請 求損害賠償之程序。在酌定因素方面,我國實務應捨棄雙方職業、經濟狀況種 不會影響被害人精神上痛苦的因素,著重傷勢對被害人生活造成的影響。最後, 我國確實有身體權、健康權受侵害慰撫金過低之狀況,我國實務應更加重視被害 人精神上所遭受之痛苦與人格權而提高慰撫金金額。 In the practice of awarding general damage in the courts of Taiwan, doubts like a lack of reasoning, a lack of standards, and insufficiency of compensation are often raised. The content of judgments usually does not provide insight into how the court derives the amount of general damage awarded to victims. Whether the court adjusts the amount awarded based on different circumstances is also unclear. This thesis attempts to analyze the judgments given in the past ten years in Taiwan and to introduce the current practice in UK, in order to suggest on how to derive general damage amounts. In the United Kingdom, non-pecuniary damage in British law is referred to as normal damage. The court decides the amount based on physical pain, mental suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and other factors comprehensively. The Judicial College of the UK published《Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases》 as early as 1992, which outlined the range of general damage amounts normally awarded by courts each year, based on various injury types. In cases of light injury caused by a car, victims can also seek compensation through the help of the official website or by invoking the Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021. In Taiwan, lower courts usually first quote the precedent set by the Supreme Court to illustrate the common factors necessary to consider in the judgment, such as the educational level, occupation, and economic status of both parties. They then describe the course of the incident, the injuries the victims suffer, and the factors considered by the court, and finally derive the sum to award the victims. This thesis finds that the average amount of general damage awarded by the courts of Taiwan is significantly lower than that awarded by the courts of UK in cases where the victims suffer serious injuries by outlining the range of general damage amounts awarded by the courts in Taiwan for the past ten years. This thesis suggests compiling judgments in Taiwan to provide standards for litigants and the courts in order to maintain fairness. The next steps are to establish fixed amounts of compensation and to simplify the procedure for seeking compensation. In terms of factors considered, the courts should abandon those that have no impact on the level of suffering of the victims, such as occupation and economic status, and focus more on the impact the injury has had on the lives of the victims. Lastly, the problem of the insufficiency of general damage for the infringement of body and health rights in Taiwan does indeed exist. The courts should acknowledge the extent of the mental suffering of the victims and value personality rights more by increasing the amount of general damage. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 109651029 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109651029 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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