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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/153261
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    Title: 性別失焦:解讀性騷擾刑事案件無罪判決
    Gender Defocus : Understanding Acquittals of the Sexual Harassment Cases
    Authors: 江佩玹
    Jiang, Pei-Xuan
    Contributors: 王曉丹
    Wang, Hsiao-Tan
    Jiang, Pei-Xuan
    Keywords: 性騷擾
    Sexual Harassment
    #MeToo Movement
    Feminist Jurisprudence
    Continuum of Sexual Violence
    Not-Guilty Verdicts
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:29:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在臺灣,性騷擾案件經常因缺乏明確證據而導致無罪判決,反映司法體系在處理這類案件時的困境。隨著#MeToo運動的興起,社會對性騷擾議題的關注日益增加,迫切需要重新審視和改進法律對此類案件的處理方式。現有文獻多集中於性騷擾案件的實務分析和法律解釋,但對於法律體系在處理這些案件時所存在的性別偏見和權力關係的分析較少。這方面的研究需要女性主義法學的視角,剖析法律制度內含的性別偏見,以便反映和保護女性的權益。

    In Taiwan, sexual harassment cases often result in acquittals due to a lack of clear evidence, reflecting the judiciary's difficulties in handling such cases. With the rise of the #MeToo movement, social attention to the issue of sexual harassment has significantly increased, highlighting the urgent need to reassess and improve the legal handling of these cases. Existing literature largely focuses on empirical analysis and legal interpretations of sexual harassment cases, but there is less consideration of the gender biases and power dynamics present in the legal system when dealing with these cases. Feminist scholars emphasize that the legal system often contains inherent gender biases, failing to fully reflect and protect women's rights.

    This paper introduces the concept of "gender defocus" to address this research gap, highlighting how the law neglects or misunderstands the gendered experiences of complainants in sexual harassment cases and fails to effectively address the challenges posed by the continuum of sexual violence. Through content analysis of acquittal judgments in multiple sexual harassment cases, this study traces the chronological sequence of events and presents the key perspectives in the judgments, categorizing and summarizing the various reasons for acquittals. By deeply analyzing these judgments, the study exposes the blind spots and deficiencies in the legal system's handling of sexual harassment cases. The research finds that legal language and masculine logic often lead to judgments that ignore the complainants' treatment and experiences. This study emphasizes the introduction of diverse perspectives in legal practice, encouraging judges to more comprehensively consider gender power dynamics and the specific circumstances of complainants when handling sexual harassment cases. By revealing the phenomenon of gender misfocus in the legal system, this paper aims to enhance the protection and attention given to victims of sexual harassment, with feminism serving as a crucial theoretical foundation for understanding and addressing this issue.
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