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    Title: 實驗教育機構女性負責人之敘事研究
    The Narrative Study on Women Leaders in Experimental Educational Institutions
    Authors: 孫宥美
    Son, Yu-Mi
    Contributors: 鄭同僚
    Cheng, Tung-Liao
    Son, Yu-Mi
    Keywords: 實驗教育
    Experimental Education
    Female Leaders
    Experiential Learning
    Educational Leaders
    Experimental Schools
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:21:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究採用敘事研究方法,探討台灣實驗教育領域中女性負責人的經驗、挑戰及 其克服方法。研究深入訪談了兩位實驗教育機構的女性負責人,通過她們的故事,呈 現了女性領導者在教育創新領域的獨特歷程。
    一、 女性成為負責人的歷程:研究參與者經歷了從傳統教育環境向實驗教育的
    轉變,這個過程包括自我反省、價值觀的重新評估,以及新角色的適應。 二、 作為負責人所面臨的挑戰:參與者面對了諸如政策理解、制度運作和與學 校成員溝通等挑戰。她們通過個人成就感、回饋以及配偶的支持來克服這
    三、 已婚女性負責人的生活:研究強調了配偶支持在平衡職場和家庭生活中的
    四、 克服困難持續前進的動力:研究發現,參與者幾乎沒有感受到性別歧視,
    這反映了臺灣在性別平等方面的進􏰁。􏰀外,參與者展現了強烈的自我認 同感和工作熱情。
    研究還發現,參與者的學習經歷可分為四類:生活型態實踐、職業實踐、自我認 定實踐和批判實踐。這些發現為女性負責人如何在職場和家庭之間取得平衡,以及如 何在教育領導角色中取得成功提供了寶貴的見解。
    This study employs narrative research methodology to explore the experiences, ch allenges, and coping strategies of female leaders in Taiwan's experimental education se ctor. The research conducted in-depth interviews with two female leaders of experime ntal educational institutions, presenting the unique journeys of women leaders in the fi eld of educational innovation through their stories.
    The research findings are divided into four main aspects:
    1. The journey of becoming a female leader: Research participants experienced a
    transition from traditional educational environments to experimental education.
    This process included self-reflection, reassessment of values, and adaptation t o new roles.
    2. Challenges faced as leaders: Participants encountered challenges such as under standing policies, institutional operations, and communication with school mem bers. They overcame these difficulties through personal sense of achievement, feedback, and spousal support.
    3. Life of married female leaders: The study emphasizes the importance of spous al support in balancing work and family life. Participants' spouses provided si gnificant help with family responsibilities, allowing them to focus better on th eir work.
    4. Motivation to overcome difficulties and move forward: The study found that participants rarely experienced gender discrimination, reflecting progress in gen der equality in Taiwan. Additionally, participants demonstrated a strong sense of self-identity and passion for their work.
    The research also found that participants' learning experiences can be categorized into four types: lifestyle practice, vocational practice, self-identification practice, and cr itical practice. These findings provide valuable insights into how female leaders can b alance work and family, and how they can succeed in educational leadership roles.
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