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    Title: 臺北市經雙語政策導入之外籍教學人員協作教學與工作調適探究
    Collaborative Teaching and Work Adjustment of Foreign Instructors in Taipei after the Adoption of the Bilingual Policy
    Authors: 李重毅
    LEE, Chung-Yi
    Contributors: 陳榮政
    CHEN, Robin Jung-Cheng
    LEE, Chung-Yi
    Keywords: 雙語教育
    bilingual education
    bilingual collaborative teaching
    foreign instructor
    Theory of Work Adjustment
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:20:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討臺北市經雙語政策導入外籍教學人員後,與本地教師的協作模式,並引入工作調適理論分析外籍教學人員的適應情況,最終描繪引進管道與學校提供的支持。本研究以半結構式之訪談大綱作為研究工具實施深度訪談,總共訪談10位本地教師以及10位外籍教學人員,並使用ATLAS.ti 24.1.1版進行質性分析。本研究發現課堂內的協作模式可以整合程度分野並提出四種協作模式,包含(一)獨自教學模式;(二)裝飾擺設模式;(三)分割教學模式;(四)互動教學模式。課堂內外的協作均受學科專業、雙語化、協作意願、語言能力、學校方針及業務負擔影響。工作調適的面相中,文化衝突主要集中在溝通與文化認同議題上,工作價值方面,外籍教學人員則希望能承擔更多教學責任,並多採取反應調適策略。雖多數外籍教學人員能滿足學校要求,但穩定任職仍具挑戰。最後,外籍教學人員任職的學校與引進其之單位對協作教學相關業務多有支持,但引進管道在資訊提供、工作坊辦理、篩選與品質管理機制上仍需透過標準統一創造更好的實施效果。本研究之建議包括建立雙語協同教學指導手冊為協作教學的多模態提供指引;透過增進本地教師的文化知識與視野促進協作教學雙方的溝通與調適;建立引進單位品質管理的統一規準和回饋機制,讓其能提供標準一致的服務。
    This study investigates the collaborative teaching models between foreign instructors and local teachers in Taipei after the adoption of the Bilingual Policy, applying the Theory of Work Adjustment to analyze foreign instructors' adaptation in the working environment. Using semi-structured interviews, the study engaged 10 local teachers and 10 foreign instructors, with qualitative analysis conducted via ATLAS.ti 24.1.1. There are four collaborative teaching models: single-handed, decorative, segmented, and interactive. Factors influencing collaboration include subject expertise, bilingualism, willingness to collaborate, language proficiency, school policies, and workloads. From the analysis of the Theory of Work Adjustment, cultural conflicts mainly involve communication and cultural identity; apart from that, foreign instructors often have a desire for more teaching responsibilities, but most of them adopt reactive adjustment strategies. As for school requirements, though foreign instructors usually are able to meet the needs, their stability of retainment remains challenging. Schools and recruitment units provide support to the collaborative teaching between foreign instructors and local teachers, but need standardized procedures for better implementation. Recommendations include developing bilingual teaching manuals, enhancing local teachers' cultural knowledge, and establishing uniform quality standards and feedback mechanisms for recruitment units.
    Reference: 中文部分
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