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    Title: 軍校生心理健康模式建構暨感恩課程對心理健康之促進效果
    Developing a Mental Health Model and Enhancing Cadet Mental Health through a Gratitude Course
    Authors: 王智民
    Wang, Chih-Min
    Contributors: 葉玉珠
    Yeh, Yu-Chu
    Wang, Chih-Min
    Keywords: 完整心理健康
    Complete mental health
    Organizational culture
    Gender differences
    Positive thinking
    Gratitude intervention
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:20:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 心理健康是一種個體能夠自我瞭解、有效因應壓力,並且與社群產生連結的安適感,本研究旨在建構影響軍校生心理健康之模式,並發展可適用於我國軍校生的「軍校生感恩力培訓課程」教學方案。本論文涵蓋三部分:(一)前導研究:旨在發展「軍校生心理健康量表」與「軍校組織性別化知覺量表」,此研究參與者為1,156位軍校生。結果顯示軍校生心理健康是涵蓋情緒幸福、心理幸福、社會幸福與軍校幸福的二階四因素結構,合計28題;軍校組織性別化知覺是涵蓋陰柔文化知覺與陽剛文化知覺的一階二因素結構,合計10題。(二)研究一:使用前導研究中進行驗證性因素分析的樣本合計950位軍校生,以建構感恩特質、軍職志向、心理健康與組織性別化知覺的模型,結果顯示:感恩特質對軍職志向與心理健康有正向關係,軍職志向部分中介感恩特質對於心理健康的正向關係,且陽剛文化知覺對於感恩特質、軍職志向與心理健康具有正向調節中介效果,陰柔文化知覺則無此影響。(三)研究二:發展短期「軍校生感恩力培訓課程」,以準實驗法的非隨機控制組前後測設計,透過立意取向將162位來自三所軍校的學生分配至實驗組與對照組,驗證課程對於參與者的影響,結果顯示:「軍校生感恩力培訓課程」能夠有效提升參與者在感恩特質、軍職志向與心理健康等三層面的成長。有別於過往研究,本研究以正向心理學觀點嘗試建構軍校生心理健康模式,從社會建構的觀點探討軍校組織性別化知覺對於感恩促進效果的影響,並發展出適合在軍校推廣的感恩課程,以及提出對於研究與教學的建議。
    Mental health is a state where individuals can understand themselves, effectively cope with stress, and connect with the community. This study aims to construct a model influencing the mental health of cadet and develop a gratitude training program applicable to cadet. This thesis comprises three parts.
    Preliminary study: The goal was to develop the "Inventory of Cadets’ Mental Health" and "Inventory of Military Academy Organizational Genderlized Perception". Preliminary study involved 1,156 cadets. The results show that the mental health of cadet encompasses a second-order four-factor structure, including emotional well-being, psychological well-being, social well-being, and military academy well-being, with a total of 28 items. The military academy organizational genderlized perception include a first-order two-factor structure covering perceptions of feminine culture and masculine culture, with a total of 10 items. Study One: Using a sample of 950 cadets for confirmatory factor analysis, a model was constructed involving traits of gratitude, career aspirations in the military, mental health, and perceptions of organizational genderization. The results indicate that traits of gratitude have a positive relationship with career aspirations in the military and mental health. Military career aspirations partially mediate the positive relationship between traits gratitude and mental health. Moreover, perceptions of masculine culture have a moderated mediation effect on traits of gratitude, military career aspirations, and mental health, whereas perceptions of feminine culture do not. Study Two: A "Gratitude Training Program for Cadet" was developed. Using a quasi-experimental non-randomized control group pre-test and post-test design, 162 cadets from three military academies were intentionally assigned to the experimental group and the control group to verify the impact of the program on participants. The results show that the "Gratitude Training Program for Military Academy Students" effectively enhances participants' growth in traits of gratitude, career aspirations in the military, and mental health.
    Unlike previous research, this study attempts to construct a mental health model for cadets from the perspective of positive psychology, exploring the impact of perceptions of organizational genderization in military academies on the promotion of gratitude from a social constructivist viewpoint. The study also develops a gratitude course suitable for promotion in military academies and offers suggestions for research and teaching.
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