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    Title: 生活興趣探索卡發展及應用於短期生涯諮商之研究
    The Development and Application of the Life Interest Exploration Cards in Brief Career Counseling
    Authors: 林上能
    Lin, Shang-Neng
    Contributors: 邱美秀
    Lin, Shang-Neng
    Keywords: 阿德勒心理學
    Adlerian Psychology
    Career Construction Theory
    Life Interest
    Life Interest Exploration Cards
    career adaptability
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:19:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究者參考阿德勒心理學的生命風格評估以及生涯建構論表徵興趣之概念,於生涯諮商與生涯規劃教學等非正式探究中,歸納出生活興趣12大類型特質群組,並以其特質延伸對應之學群、群科與職業等資訊設計成《生活興趣探索卡》(Life Interest Exploration Cards,簡稱LIEC) 於實務現場運用。本研究分為兩部分,研究一透過12位專家訪談搜集評論與建議,以探討LIEC發展之分類與運用方式是否與專家之學理與實務經驗呼應,並以質性內容分析法發現三項結論:LIEC貼合生活經驗的素材與引導方式能有效促進當事人主觀經驗揭露有利優勢之評估,LIEC特質過猶不及的運用策略得保有彈性探討具體生涯發展,LIEC兩層次的探索過程可同時評估特質、興趣、能力、價值觀等多元面向,唯專家評論認知理解與視覺能力為基本使用對象之門檻,並建議應拓展解釋模組與生涯資訊連結,以利推廣運用。研究二欲探討LIEC在短期生涯諮商中之運用,主要將LIEC融入生涯建構取向諮商中,以三位當事人之生涯調適力作為LIEC之效果評估,透過敘說分析法發現以下結論:LIEC有助於建構、解構與重新建構的歷程進行並促進共構的實踐,亦有助於提升當事人的生涯調適力。從上述兩個子研究可得知,紙本或線上版之LIEC可補充生涯建構訪談的不足,並可做為新興的生涯建構取向質性生涯評量工具,並能具體地提供生涯發展的方向與進路。本研究最後出研究限制與建議供參。
    This study, drawing on Adlerian Psychology’s lifestyle assessment and the concept of manifest interest in Career Construction Theory, have identified twelve major types of “Life Interest” characteristics through informal inquiries in career counseling and career planning education. These characteristics have been extended to correspond to academic disciplines and occupations, and have been designed into the “Life Interest Exploration Cards” (LIEC) for practical application. This study is divided into two parts.
    Study one involved interviews with twelve experts to gather feedback and suggestions, exploring whether the classification and application methods of LIEC align with the experts’ theoretical and practical experiences. Through qualitative content analysis, three conclusions were drawn:
    1. The materials and guidance methods of LIEC, which are closely related to life experiences, can effectively promote the disclosure of clients’ subjective experiences, facilitating the assessment of strengths.
    2. The flexible application strategies of LIEC’s characteristics allow for the exploration of specific career development.
    3. The two-tiered exploration process of LIEC can simultaneously assess multiple dimensions such as characteristics, interests, abilities, and values. However, experts noted that cognitive understanding and visual ability are basic thresholds for users, and suggested expanding the interpretation modules and linking career information to facilitate broader application.
    Study two aimed to explore the use of LIEC in brief career counseling, integrating LIEC into career construction-oriented counseling. The effectiveness of LIEC was evaluated based on the career adaptability of three clients. Through narrative analysis, the following conclusions were drawn:
    1. LIEC aids in the processes of construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction, promoting co-construction practices.
    2. LIEC also helps enhance clients’ career adaptability.
    From these two sub-studies, it can be concluded that both the paper and online versions of LIEC can supplement the deficiencies of Career Construction Interviews and serve as emerging qualitative career assessment in the career construction approach, providing concrete directions and pathways for career development. The study concludes with research limitations and suggestions for further reference.
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