题名: | 企業經營績效與公職董事之關聯性 The Relationship between Firm Performance and Political Connections |
作者: | 賴品妤 Lai, Pin-Yu |
贡献者: | 陳鎮洲 Chen, Jenn-Jou 賴品妤 Lai, Pin-Yu |
关键词: | 企業經營績效 董事政治背景 政商關係 政治關聯 企業門神 Firm Performance Board Political Background Political-Business Relationship Political Connections Gatekeepers |
日期: | 2024 |
上传时间: | 2024-09-04 14:18:14 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本文以台灣上市公司為研究對象,探討企業經營績效與企業董事具有政治背景之間的關聯性,董事政治背景聚焦在其曾經擔任的政務要職,具體職務包括總統府秘書長、五院院長、中央部會首長、立法委員和縣市首長,研究期間為2008年至2022年。
實證結果發現,企業經營績效與企業董事具有政治背景之間存在顯著正向影響,董事政治關聯對於企業財務績效EPS、ROA與ROE具有正相關,能為企業經營帶來價值。就董事的政治背景職位而言,若企業董事曾經擔任總統府秘書長、中央部會首長和立法委員,則與企業ROE表現呈現極顯著的正向關係。除此之外,在與政府政策密切相關的產業中,如通信網路業、油電燃氣業、航運業、建材營造和綠能環保,聘任具有公職經驗的董事比例較高,顯示公職經驗的董事在這些產業中有高度的重要性。 This study examines the relationship between firm performance and the political connections of board members in Taiwanese listed companies. Political connections refer to past governmental roles, including Secretary-General of the Presidential Office, heads of the Five Yuan, central government ministers, legislators, and county or city mayors. The study spans from 2008 to 2022.
The empirical results reveal a significant positive impact of politically connected directors on firm performance metrics, including EPS, ROA, and ROE. Directors with political backgrounds contribute positively to corporate value. Notably, board members who have served as Secretary-General of the Presidential Office, central government ministers, and legislators exhibit a particularly strong positive correlation with ROE. Furthermore, industries closely tied to government policies, such as telecommunications, oil and gas, shipping, construction, and green energy, show a higher proportion of board members with political connections. This underscores the substantial importance of board members with political connections in these industries. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 111921076 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111921076 |
数据类型: | thesis |
显示于类别: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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