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    Title: 自治條例訂定過程於石虎保育之應用 -以苗栗縣及臺中市為例
    The Application of the Self-Government Ordinance for Leopard cats conservation —Case study on Miaoli County and Taichung City
    Authors: 徐偉哲
    Hsu, Wei-Che
    Contributors: 杜文苓
    Hsu, Wei-Che
    Keywords: 自治條例
    Self-government Ordinances
    Multiple streams framework
    Payments for Ecosystem Services
    Leopard cat conservation policy
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:14:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以苗栗縣及臺中市石虎保育自治條例訂定過程作為保育政策訂定過程為個案分析,探討兩個地方自治團體對於單一保育類瀕危物種石虎訂定自治條例的政策過程,透過自治條例訂定過程界定相關利害關係人,並對於此個案研究相關利害關係人深度訪談,以Kingdon的多元流程架構輔助分析自治條例得以通過的關鍵,以及政策選擇的後續政策影響。
    This study uses the process of formulating the Leopard Cat Conservation self-government ordinances in Miaoli County and Taichung City as a case study to explore the policy-making process of two local self-governing bodies in enacting ordinances for the conservation of a single endangered species, the leopard cat. Through the drafting process of these self-government ordinances, relevant stakeholders were identified, and in-depth interviews were conducted with these stakeholders as part of the case study. Kingdon's Multiple Streams Framework was employed to analyze the key factors that led to the passage of these ordinances and the subsequent policy impacts of the policy choices.
    The enactment of self-government ordinances in conservation policy provides key insights into resolving the conflict between the highly overlapping habitats of the leopard cat and private lands. Additionally, Local administrative bodies often face budget constraints, and the varying emphasis that different stakeholders place on various issues can impact the execution of conservation policies. Therefore, the primary purpose of enacting these self-government ordinances is to extend central regulations and enhance the effectiveness of conservation policy implementation. The ecological payment policies promoted by the central conservation authority can harmonize species conservation needs with the potential resistance that local administrative bodies might encounter during policy execution, allowing them to draft and implement policies according to actual needs.
    The process of enacting self-government ordinances for leopard cat conservation offers important lessons for conservation policy. During the drafting period, a policy learning axis was established, which clearly defined participation channels and set up a division of responsibilities mechanism. The consultation mechanism involving leopard cat conservation experts served to align local policies with central conservation policies, and it also encouraged local groups and the public to engage in leopard cat conservation. A comprehensive review mechanism was put in place to continuously assess the status of the leopard cat species and address conservation challenges, thereby establishing a framework for Local administrative bodies on how to draft and implement conservation policies.
    Furthermore, the competition generated during the drafting of the Leopard Cat Conservation self-government ordinances brought greater attention to leopard cat conservation issues, which in turn facilitated policy diffusion. This process also provides a policy learning path for other local self-governing bodies that may wish to draft their own Leopard Cat Conservation self-government ordinances in the future.
    Regarding the improvement of current policies, the strength of self-government ordinances in linking central government policies is still limited in habitat management due to the varying positions of different stakeholders, making it difficult to fully meet the conservation needs of the leopard cat. Future efforts should focus on developing supporting measures for central government policies and implementing incentive policies to gain local residents' approval for conservation policy implementation. This would enable Local administrative bodies to expand the scope of conservation policy execution, which will be a key focus for future efforts.
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