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    Title: 直播商務之消費者購買決策分析 — 以蝦皮直播為例
    Analysis of Consumer Purchase Decisions in Live-Stream Commerce: A Case of Shopee Live
    Authors: 林軒弘
    Lin, Hsuan-Hung
    Contributors: 白佩玉
    Pai, Pei-Yu
    Lin, Hsuan-Hung
    Keywords: 直播商務
    Live-stream commerce
    Media richness
    Informative support
    Emotional support
    Purchase intention
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:11:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨科技發展,今日消費者可選擇的購買管道愈來愈多樣,其中,直播購物以其便利性和娛樂性成為許多消費者滿足購物和娛樂需求的選擇之一。本研究選定由電商平台發展的直播商務,並以蝦皮直播為研究個案,探討觀看直播的消費者購買決策過程以及其影響因素。希望針對蝦皮直播的未來發展,包括直播主如何提升觀看率與銷售表現給予建議。
    As technology advances, consumers today have a growing array of purchasing channels to choose from. Among these channels, live-stream shopping has gained popularity among consumers for its convenience and entertainment value, serving as a preferred option for both shopping and leisure activities. Live-stream commerce can manifest in many forms, and this study focuses on live-stream commerce that is broadcasted on e-commerce platforms. The researcher takes Shopee Live as an example to investigate the consumer purchasing decision-making process, as well as the influencing factors of this process. This study aims to provide recommendations for the future development of Shopee Live, including how live-stream hosts can enhance viewership and improve sales performance.

    Based on theories such as media richness theory, informational support, emotional support, and scarcity, this study analyzes relevant consumer perceived attributes by examining three major dimensions: live-streaming platform, live-stream hosts, and contextual factors within live-streams. The goal is to elucidate the relationships between various consumer perceived attributes and purchase intention. Qualitative research methods, specifically in-depth interviews, were employed in this study to collect consumers' feelings and thoughts. The findings aim to summarize how consumers' purchase intentions are influenced by factors such as the live-streaming platform, live-stream hosts, and contextual factors within live-streams. The important findings of this study are as follows:

    1. Live-streaming platform functionality promotes media richness, which positively influences purchase intentions.
    2. Higher credibility of live-stream hosts leads to a stronger perception of informational support by consumers, which positively influences purchase intentions.
    3. The interactivity within the live-streams, whether it is interaction between live-stream hosts and viewers or merely among viewers, does not have a substantial impact on individual purchase intention.
    4. Time scarcity during the purchase consideration period does not have a substantial impact on purchase intentions, whereas quantity scarcity during limited promotional offers positively influences purchase intentions.
    5. The key values of live-stream commerce for consumers are "the cost reduction in information collection" and "saving money through discounted prices."

    Finally, the researcher provides practical recommendations for live-streaming platforms and live-stream hosts respectively with the aim of contributing to future research in this field.
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