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Title: | Is It Good To Drink? 探討職場酒局的互動與其影響 Is It Good To Drink? Exploring Interactions and Effects of After Work Drinks |
Authors: | 張穎阡 Chang, Ying-Chien |
Contributors: | 許書瑋 Hsu, Shu-Wei 張穎阡 Chang, Ying-Chien |
Keywords: | 職場酒局 互動行為 喝酒 應酬 人際關係 after work drinks interaction behaviors alcohol consumption work party interpersonal relationships |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-09-04 14:09:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在華人社會,聚會喝酒是廣泛且普遍的社交行為,彼此敬酒與乾杯更是常見的飲酒禮儀,這樣的舉動不僅於文化隱含表達尊重與和諧,更可以藉此促進彼此的關係。對於當代職場工作者而言,無論是公司聚餐、春節尾牙還是商務宴客,都是常見的飲酒場合。組織與領導者透過這些聚會,不僅將公司文化再現,也同時希冀同事與合作夥伴能夠促進情誼與關係。然而,現存研究對於職場酒局的研究仍較少關注。藉由深入了解職場酒局,能夠增加對工作者在這樣普遍但與工作場合有所殊異的情形的理解,並且進一步提高職場工作者對於該環境的應對能力,進而對職涯發展與職場關係有所助益。
本研究根據參與者的感受與活動行程的原因與性質,將職場酒局歸納為三種類型且其分別具備不同的互動方式與影響。首先是能夠自由參加且無所顧慮的放鬆型酒局;其次是如同仍在上班一樣,有義務要參與的工作型酒局;最 後是需要遵守不成文規定、服從上下關係且不能拒絕的約束型酒局。與此同 時,研究結果也顯示酒局中,人們的互動方式會因為與所處對象的關係而有所變化。例如,當酒局中存在明顯上下關係時,部分受訪者會傾向與較有權勢一方的維持和諧關係而產生順從的行為。另一方面,人們更有機會在酒局之中採取與日常工作場合較難發生的行為,如調侃同事或是交換業界情報等行為。而在工作者酒局之中所採取的行動,也會對其產生影響。工作者不僅能於這樣的酒局之中獲得歸屬感和情感支持,也有機會對於職涯發展有機會帶來正面的幫助。因為酒局提供了獲取資源的可能,包括情報、人脈、社交技巧和成長啟發等,而這些機會在日常工作的場合中較難被談論與獲取。然而,也有部分工作者會感受到社交壓力,或是因為過量飲酒而危害健康。 最後,本研究根據上述的研究結果進行討論,並提出相關的實務意涵以及未來的研究方向。 In Chinese society, gathering for drinks is a widespread and common social activity, where toasting and cheers are customary drinking etiquettes. This behavior not only symbolizes respect and harmony but also fosters relationships. For workers nowadays, whether it's company dinners, Lunar New Year banquets, or business receptions, after work drinking occasions are prevalent. Through these gatherings, organizations and leaders not only showcase company culture but also hope to cultivate camaraderie and relationships among colleagues and partners. However, existing research on after work drinks is limited. Delving into these gatherings can enhance understanding of this common situations yet distinct from the workplace, thereby boosting professionals' adaptability in such environments, ultimately benefiting career development and workplace relationships.
This study aims to explore the interaction and effects of after work drinks. Through semi-structured interviews, 18 workers who have participated in such gatherings were extensively interviewed. Drawing from their firsthand experiences, the study delves into the types of after work drinks, participants involved, and the interactions and effects of workers during these occasions.
Based on participants' perceptions and the nature of activities, after work drinks were categorized into three types, each characterized by distinct interaction styles and effects. Firstly, there are relaxed gatherings where participation is voluntary and carefree. Secondly, there are work-related gatherings where attendance is obligatory, resembling a continuation of work. Lastly, there are restrictive gatherings where adherence to unwritten rules, hierarchical obedience, and refusal is not an option. Concurrently, the study findings indicate that interaction styles during these gatherings vary depending on the relationship with fellow attendees. For instance, in gatherings with evident hierarchical structures, some participants tend to exhibit compliant behavior to maintain harmony with those in positions of authority. On the other hand, people are more likely to engage in behaviors uncommon in typical work settings, such as teasing colleagues or exchanging industry information. Actions taken during these gatherings also impact individuals. Participants not only derive a sense of belonging and emotional support but also have opportunities for positive career development. As these occasions offer avenues for accessing resources like information, networking, social skills, and growth inspiration, which are often less accessible in everyday work settings. However, some workers may experience social pressure or health risks due to excessive drinking. |
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