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    Title: 中國大陸洗錢防制監理研究—以外資人身保險業為核心
    A Study on Anti-Money Laundering Regulation and Supervision in Mainland China: Focusing on Foreign Life Insurance Companies
    Authors: 李庭寬
    Lee, Ting-Kuan
    Contributors: 王文杰

    Wang, Wen-Chieh
    Peng, Jin-Lung

    Lee, Ting-Kuan
    Keywords: 國際洗錢防制組織
    International Anti-Money Laundering Organizations
    Anti-Money Laundering Law
    Money Laundering Prevention
    Counter-Terrorist Financing
    Life Insurance Industry
    Mainland China
    Foreign Institutions
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:00:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 保險業是金融體系三大支柱產業之一,其中又以人身保險業之資產規模最為龐大,在金融體系中具有舉足輕重的地位, 2001 年中國大陸正式加入 WTO 後,中國大陸保險業有了重大變化,尤其是在全球保險市場以平緩速度發展之時,中國大陸保險業以高度的成長速度持續發展;與此同時,隨著中國大陸近年來行政法規的鬆綁,外資人身保險公司進入市場的高牆被打破,有利於國際金融機構跨足設立在地經營據點。
    The insurance industry stands as one of the three major pillars of the financial system, with the life insurance sector boasting the largest asset base, holding a pivotal position within the financial landscape. Since China's accession to the WTO in 2001, significant transformations have swept through the mainland Chinese insurance industry. Particularly notable is its sustained growth at a rapid pace amidst the global insurance market's moderate development. Concurrently, with the recent relaxation of administrative regulations in mainland China, barriers for foreign life insurance companies to enter the market have been dismantled, facilitating international financial institutions in establishing local operations.
    However, once life insurance operations become entangled with money laundering activities, they fail to fulfill the financial stability function of insurance. Recognizing the paramount importance of anti-money laundering within today's financial system's internal controls, this study builds upon previous research, comprehensively considering the accessibility of data from mainland Chinese life insurance companies and the current regulatory environment regarding anti-money laundering in mainland China, to delve deeply into the anti-money laundering mechanisms within the life insurance industry. This paper, starting from the temporal and spatial background before the enactment of the Anti-Money Laundering Law in mainland China, explores authoritative interpretations or guidelines published by relevant agencies up to the present, and addresses the research topic, analyzing whether differences in supervision between domestic and foreign capital exist in mainland China's anti-money laundering field, and delves into possible reasons.
    The research findings reveal that as mainland China accelerates its trend towards financial industry liberalization, emphasizing consistency in domestic and foreign capital management and fair competition, alongside the highly directive nature of compliance standards set by international anti-money laundering organizations, mainland China's regulatory framework for anti-money laundering in the life insurance industry shows no significant differences in supervision between domestic and foreign entities. This aligns with mainland China's trajectory towards internal and external consistency post-WTO accession, treating domestic and foreign entities fairly under the same regulatory framework, fostering cooperation and competition.
    Moreover, the enhancement of internal control systems for anti-money laundering serves as one of the key scrutiny points for mainland Chinese financial regulatory authorities regarding the establishment of foreign life insurance entities. Establishing internal control systems that fully comply with mainland China's anti-money laundering regulatory framework proves crucial for foreign institutions entering the mainland China market.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111ZB1050
    Data Type: thesis
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