題名: | 我國優良繪本推薦讀物內容之性別角色刻板印象分析 The Analysis of Gender Stereotypes in Recommended Children's Picture Books in Taiwan |
作者: | 張承萱 Chang, Cheng-Hsuan |
貢獻者: | 林巧敏 Lin, Chiao-Min 張承萱 Chang, Cheng-Hsuan |
關鍵詞: | 繪本 性別角色 內容分析法 性別刻板印象 中小學生讀物選介 Picture Books Gender Roles Content Analysis Gender Stereotypes Selection of Reading Materials for Primary and Secondary School Students |
日期: | 2024 |
上傳時間: | 2024-09-04 13:54:47 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 繪本是兒童時期經常接觸到的讀物,因其特殊之性質,無論在家庭或是學校,都是兒童額外學習、吸收新知及培養價值觀的一項適合的媒介,經由官方活動所選拔出的優良繪本,除了兒童所接觸的頻率較高,相對所受其影響也會增加,須格外注意繪本所傳達的內涵,不僅故事內容所直接表現,其隱含的意象也相當重要。 而性別平等的觀念在現代社會逐漸受到重視,兩性的刻板印象及傳統觀念正在改變,大眾逐漸注意到性別的多元特質與可能性,根據相關理論與文獻,性別角色及性別刻板印象息息相關,且自個體兒童時期便有所影響,從而塑造其價值觀,因此書中可能所具有的性別刻板印象,無形中將給予兒童潛移默化的作用,是值得注意的現象。 本研究旨在探討文化部中小學生閱讀選介第45屆獲選圖畫書類,適讀年齡為國小低年級繪本之性別刻板印象。以內容分析法作為研究方法,先確認好研究範圍與樣本後,篩選出符合研究性質之繪本,再編製性別分析類目表,將100本圖畫書之內容進行量化統計與編碼,,最後以質性分析,探究繪本中性別角色意象之呈現及性別刻板印象。 根據研究之結果,繪本中的男性在外表,也就是髮型與穿著的呈現上,相較女性而言較單一,而兩性在年齡的比對上,兒童相較於成人的外表呈現,也同樣較缺少多元性與變化。 研究者根據上述研究結果,整理出此書單之繪本所顯現的性別現象並提出見解與加以討論,同時對家長、出版社、學校及未來研究者提供各自相應且適合的建議,有助於在繪本的挑選與兒童的教育方面能更加進步,期能達成性別實質平等、多元理念包容的社會。 Picture books are frequently encountered by children and, due to their unique nature, serve as a suitable medium for additional learning, acquiring new knowledge, and cultivating values, both at home and in school. The picture books selected through official activities, being more frequently accessed by children, have a relatively greater influence, making it crucial to pay close attention to the content they convey. This includes not only the direct narrative but also the underlying imagery. In modern society, the concept of gender equality is gaining importance, and traditional gender stereotypes and concepts are changing. The public is increasingly recognizing the diverse qualities and possibilities of gender. According to relevant theories and literature, gender roles and stereotypes are closely related and influence individuals from childhood, shaping their values. Therefore, the potential gender stereotypes in these books can subtly influence children, a phenomenon worthy of attention. This study aims to explore gender stereotypes in picture books suitable for lower-grade elementary school students, as selected in the 45th edition of the Ministry of Culture's selection of reading materials for primary and secondary school students. The study employs content analysis as its research method. After defining the research scope and selecting samples, appropriate picture books were chosen, and a gender analysis category table was developed. The content of 100 picture books was then quantitatively analyzed and coded, followed by a qualitative analysis to examine the presentation of gender role imagery and stereotypes. According to the research findings, the portrayal of males in picture books, in terms of appearance such as hairstyles and clothing, is relatively uniform compared to females. Additionally, the appearance of children compared to adults also lacks diversity and variation. Based on these findings, the researcher has identified gender phenomena present in this list of picture books and offers insights and discussions. The study provides specific and appropriate recommendations for parents, publishers, schools, and future researchers, aiming to improve the selection of picture books and the education of children, with the ultimate goal of achieving a society that embraces substantial gender equality and diverse values. |
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