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    Title: 合作探究式學習於元宇宙數位策展之學習成效影響研究 —以二戰在香港台灣平民百姓被拘留之歷史為例
    The Effects of Collaborative Inquiry Learning in Metaverse Digital Curation on Learning Effectiveness: A Case Study of the History of the Internment of Taiwanese Civilians in Hong Kong during World War II
    Authors: 鄧孟盈
    Tang, Mang-Ying
    Contributors: 陳志銘

    Chen, Chih-Ming
    Lan, Shi-Chi

    Tang, Mang-Ying
    Keywords: 元宇宙
    Digital curation
    Collaborative inquiry-based learning
    Historical learning
    Learning effectiveness
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 13:53:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究採用情境脈絡敘事的方式,結合元宇宙特有的線上互動機制,於「元宇宙數位策展平台」上呈現二戰期間在香港台灣平民百姓被拘留歷史事件經過的數位策展,營造一個可以基於共同或者個人進行觀展學習的元宇宙虛擬環境。本研究在此一元宇宙數位策展基礎上加入合作探究式學習和角色扮演的學習機制設計,並將其應用於輔助歷史教學,讓學習者與同儕一起以身歷其境的方式來進行歷史之合作探究式學習,並探討相較於以個人探究式模式使用「元宇宙數位策展平台」輔以歷史學習,此一學習模式是否有助於提升學習者的歷史學習成效、學習動機,以及學習滿意度。
    The “Metaverse Digital Curatorial Platform” used in this study can present the historical events in the form of contextual narrative, and combined with the online interactive mechanism of the Metaverse, it is a good environment for coolaborative inquiry-based learning by observing the exhibition together. Based on this, this study adds the design of coolaborative inquiry-based learning and role-playing, and applies it to supplement the teaching of history to enable learners and their peers to engage in collaborative inquiry-based learning of history in an immersive way. The study aimed to investigate whether this learning mode enhances learners’ historical learning effectiveness, learning motivation, and satisfaction in comparison with using the “Metaverse Digital Curatorial Platform” to supplement the learning of history in the individual inquiry-based learning mode.
    This study employed a true-experimental research design and selected 12 students from a university in Taipei City, Taiwan as the research participants. Among them, 6 students were randomly assigned to the experimental group using the “Metaverse Digital Curation Platform” to support history learning in the collaborative inquiry-based mode, while the remaining 6 students were assigned to the control group using the “Metaverse Digital Curation Platform” to support history learning in the individual inquiry-based learning mode. The two modes of learning were investigated to see if there were any significant differences in terms of learning effectiveness, motivation and satisfaction. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted to understand the learners’ thoughts, feelings and suggestions on the use of these two different learning modes to supplement history learning.
    It was found that there was no significant difference in the learning effectiveness of overall, comprehension and critical thinking between the learners who used the “Metaverse Digital Curation Platform” in the collaborative inquiry-based learning mode and the individual inquiry-based learning mode. However, the learners who used the “Metaverse Digital Curation Platform” in the collaboration inquiry-based learning mode were able to effectively promote the learning effectiveness of overall, comprehension and critical thinking of the learners while the learners who used the “Metaverse Digital Curation Platform” in the individual inquiry-based learning mode were unable to effectively promote the learning effectiveness of overall, comprehension and critical thinking of the learners. In addition, there was no significant difference in learning motivation and satisfaction between learners using the “Metaverse Digital Curation Platform” in the collaborative inquiry-based learning mode and the individual inquiry-based learning mode.
    Based on the results of the study, this study proposes the implementation and improvement of using Metaverse digital curation to supplement history learning in a collaborative inquiry-based learning mode. In terms of future research directions, this study proposes to incorporate a pre ice-breaking stage of collaborative learning and explore its impact on learning effectiveness, to incorporate a non-player character interactive questioning function and explore its impact on learning effectiveness, to set stronger collaborative goals and explore its impact on learning effectiveness, to explore the role of the teacher assisted collaborative inquiry learning in a Metaverse digital curation, and to explore the content of learners’ answers to the history quiz on the internment of civilians in Hong Kong during World War II.
    Overall, collaborative inquiry-based learning with Metaverse digital curation is a relatively new research direction. The findings of this study suggest that the use of the “Metaverse Digital Curatorial Platform” in a collaborative inquiry-based learning mode to supplement history teaching requires a more rigorous framework and design of collaborative learning to facilitate learning effectiveness. This research provides valuable insights into the application of the metaverse digital curation in collaborative inquiry-based learning.
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