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Title: | 學校行政人員中層領導指標建構之研究 A Study of Construction of Middle Leadership Indicators for School Administrators |
Authors: | 李熙媛 Lee, Hsi-Yuan |
Contributors: | 郭昭佑 Kuo, Chao-Yu 李熙媛 Lee,Hsi-Yuan |
Keywords: | 學校行政人員 中層領導 指標建構 模糊德懷術 概念構圖 School Administrators Middle Leadership Indicator Construction Fuzzy Delphi Method Concept mapping |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-09-04 13:43:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在建構學校行政人員中層領導指標與構面,並進一步形成指標系統,以提供學校中層領導能力培訓之參考;透過文獻探討蒐集資料後,再藉由焦點小組座談會聚焦概念,並以教育行政與學校經營領域之專家學者與學校教職人員作為問卷調查對象,透過適切性評估、模糊德懷術及概念構圖法等方法整合專家對指標的重要性程度評估與分群,完成能兼具理論與實務價值的學校行政人員中層領導指標系統。依研究結果,歸納主要結論如下: 一、本研究建構之學校行政人員中層領導指標包含3大構面、8個向度與31項指標。 二、「素養與特質」是學校行政人員中層領導指標系統中最重要之構面。 三、「行政人格特質」是學校行政人員中層領導指標系統中最重要之向度 四、「主任情緒管理良好,並具有同理心,能關懷與體諒校內成員」是學校行政人員中層領導指標系統中最重要之指標。 五、不同對象對於學校行政人員中層領導指標系統的重要性程度排序有所差異,以向度「基層教師的發展支柱」之排序差異較大。 期望本研究成果能提供教育行政主管機關作為學校行政人員中層領導培訓系統建立之參考,進而穩固學校行政團隊,並給予未來研究酌參。 The aim of this study is to construct indicators and dimensions for middle leadership among school administrators, and further develop an indicator system to provide a reference for middle leadership training in schools. After collecting data through literature review, the concepts were focused through Focus Group Discuss. Experts and scholars in the fields of educational administration and school management, as well as school faculty members, were surveyed through questionnaires. Methods such as Evaluation of adequacy, Fuzzy Delphi Method, and Concept mapping were used to integrate experts' evaluations and clustering of the importance of indicators, resulting in a middle leadership indicator system for school administrators that holds both theoretical and practical value. Based on the research results, the main conclusions are summarized as follows: 1.The middle leadership indicators for school administrators constructed in this study include 3 dimensions, 8 aspects, and 31 indicators. 2."Competence and Traits" is the most important dimension in the middle leadership indicator system for school administrators. 3."Administrative Personality Traits" is the most important aspect in the middle leadership indicator system for school administrators. 4."The director manages emotions well, demonstrates empathy, and shows care and understanding towards school members" is the most important indicator in the middle leadership indicator system for school administrators. 5.There are differences in the importance rankings of the middle leadership indicator system for school administrators among different groups. The aspect "Support Pillar for Grassroots Teachers" shows the greatest variation in rankings. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide educational administrative authorities with a reference for establishing a middle leadership training system for school administrators, thereby strengthening the school administrative team and offering guidance for future research. |
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