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    Title: 非營利組織轉型社會企業使命漂移探討-以路徑依循視角
    Exploring the Mission Drift of Non-Profit Organizations Transforming into Social Enterprises - From Path Dependence Perspective
    Authors: 黃汝吟
    Huang, Ju-Yin
    Contributors: 江明修
    Chiang, Ming-Hsiu
    Huang, Ju-Yin
    Keywords: 非營利組織
    Non-profit organizations
    Social enterprises
    Organizational transformation
    Mission drift
    Path dependence
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 13:42:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 非營利組織自政府、市場相繼失靈情境下,由於恰能適時彌補政府服務不足之處,形成夥伴關係,協助解決社會因經濟失衡導致引發諸多社會問題,因而能夠減緩社會不安、促進社會和諧;近年來由於國際經濟、社會、政治局勢變遷迅速,傳統非營利組織由於政府補助以及民間捐款減少而面臨逐漸增加的財務壓力,促使非營利組織尋求財務獨立自給自足,以維持組織生存及永續發展,於是思考轉型社會企業經營之可能性;然而非營利組織專注於社會使命,社會企業除社會公益目標、亦也關注經濟效益,過度關注於創造營收忽略社會使命會導致使命漂移,能否平衡社會與經濟目標成為順利轉型關鍵所在;本研究以路徑依循理論視角結合相關文獻,探討研究個案在轉型過程組織使命、營運能力、人力與財務資源運用各面向避免使命漂移情形,亦探討政府政策及外在民間團體支持體系影響制度變遷,並以非營利組織避免路徑依循,嘗試尋求路徑突破、採取適當策略以順利組織轉型。

    因此本研究提出兩點具體研究目的:1. 非營利組織轉型社會企業在組織使命、營運能力、人力財務資源運用與政府政策、外在民間團體支持體系構面分析;2. 以路徑依循理論基礎探討非營利組織轉型社會企業以推展社會使命關鍵因素、避免使命漂移。為了探討研究目的,設計訪談大綱,採質性半結構式深度訪談,研究依據個案分析、結合文獻及訪談結果提出研究發現:1. 非營利組織轉型社會企業發展,優先將社會使命視為核心價值,透過良好治理機制平衡社會目標與經濟目標、突破使命漂移;2. 非營利組織領導者展現社會企業家精神,有助克服路徑依循、促動路徑轉向,透過創造性經營策略順利轉型、同時解決更多社會問題;3. 政府政策及民間支持體系建構社會企業發展生態環境,有利組織運用資源實現社會使命、持續擴大社會影響;並依據研究結果得出:非營利組織路徑轉向,實現財務自主的同時仍不忘社會弱勢關懷、促進社會公平正義,其核心本質皆是社會使命的實現、提升社會福祉。
    Beside market failure non-profit organizations make up for the inadequacy of government services as a result of government failure, providing diversified services in areas of social benefit, helping to solve many social problems arising from the economic imbalance, then they could alleviate social unrest and promoting social harmony. In recent years, traditional non-profit organizations have been facing increasing financial pressures of decreasing government subsidies and charitable donations due to rapid changes in the economic, social, and political situations, they consider the possibility of moving towards social enterprises to seek financial independence and self-sufficiency of maintaining sustainable development. However, it's necessary to consider how to balance social and economic goals to avoid too much focus on generating revenue at the expense of social mission lead to mission drift.
    This research explore the case study of organizational transformation avoiding mission drift from path dependence perspective and presents two research purposes : 1. Analysis of the organizational mission, operational capacity, use of human and financial resources, government policies and external support system of non-profit organizations transforming into social enterprises. 2. To explore the key factors of non-profit organizations transforming into social enterprises to develop social mission and avoid mission drift from based on the theoretical foundation of path dependence.
    To explore the purpose of research, the interview outline was designed and qualitative semi-structured in-depth interviews, presenting the conclusion based on interview results as below: 1. Non-profit organizations transforming into social enterprises, prioritizing social missions as core values, and balancing social and economic objectives through good governance. 2. non-profit leaders demonstrating social entrepreneurship can help organizational transformation and solve more social problems through creative strategies. 3. Government policies and civil society organizations of support system to build a social enterprise ecosystem are conductive to the use of resources by organizations to achieve social mission and sustainably expand social impact.
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