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Title: | 受限的守門人:初探台灣財經雜誌如何再現台灣金控家族企業接班議題 A Constrained Gatekeeper: A Study on Financial Magazines’ Portrayal of the Succession Issues in Family- Owned Financial Holding Businesses |
Authors: | 李孟璇 Li, Meng-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 李宗榮 王亞維 Li, Zong-Rong Wang, Yae-Wei 李孟璇 Li, Meng-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 媒體再現 守門人 家族企業 金控家族 Media representation Gatekeeper Family business Financial holdings family |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 15:07:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 金控家族企業是台灣經濟與社會中一個重要且具有影響力的群體,家族成 員的繼承與接班,牽涉到企業聲譽及社會正當性的建立;其中媒體對其成員形 象的建立與能力的肯定與否,攸關家族成員未來領導企業的前景,也是企業發 展穩定與否的重要條件。而目前學術界有關媒體如何報導台灣金控家族的傳播 研究,仍然鮮少。本研究透過傳播學中的「守門人」與「媒體再現」的理論視 角,並以台灣三個主要財經雜誌資深從業人員的質性訪談材料,來探討台灣主 流財經雜誌對金控家族企業接班議題的報導與呈現。
本研究發現,在編輯產製的過程,金控家族企業有能力透過廣告預算的編 列、法律訴訟、公關活動與人際關係,以及訊息提供與否等控制手段,來規範 財經雜誌對金控家族企業報導的方向;而媒體基於商業利益、讀者閱讀喜好、 編輯政策等因素,對於金控家族企業的報導也有明顯的偏向,形成以闡述成功 故事與正面肯定權貴家族價值的獨特框架。這些編輯產製與編輯政策的偏向使 得金控家族企業對於財經雜誌的報導方向與內容產生結構性的限制;財經雜誌 的報導無形中塑造了金控家族企業的正面市場形象、也肯定了家族成員的階級 複製與社會地位的正當性。本文最後探討這個現象對於媒體守門人的文獻研究 以及媒體專業新聞倫理與實務的關聯。 Financial holding family businesses are an important and influential group in Taiwan's economy and society. The succession issue involves establishing the social legitimacy of family members of the business, and the media's portrayal and validation of their image and abilities are crucial for the prospects of these members leading the business in the future, which in turn affects the stability and development of the enterprise.
This study uses the theoretical perspectives of "gatekeeping" and "media representation" from communication studies to explore how Taiwan's mainstream financial magazines report and present the succession issues of financial holding family businesses.
The study finds that during the editorial production process, financial holding family businesses can regulate the direction of financial magazine reports through various control measures such as advertising budgets, legal actions, public relations activities, interpersonal relationships, and the provision or withholding of information. Additionally, media reports on these family businesses could be significantly influenced by commercial interests, reader preferences, and editorial policies, resulting in a unique reporting framework that emphasizes success stories and positively affirms the values of elite families.
The structural constraints between financial magazines and financial holding family businesses, along with the internal values and editorial policies of the media, make financial magazine reports easily become tools for these businesses to shape their image and reinforce their social status. This study concludes by discussing the contributions of this paper to the literature in communication research and its practical implications in the field of communication. |
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