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    題名: 社群媒體上的競選:分析2022年新竹縣市長候選人臉書上的政治廣告與社群經營策略
    Election campaign on social media: Analyzing political ads and social media strategy of 2022 Hsinchu county and city mayoral candidates on Facebook
    作者: 王奎翰
    Wang, Kuei-Han
    貢獻者: 陳柏良
    Chen, Po-Liang
    Wang Kuei-Han
    關鍵詞: 臉書
    Social media management
    Political Advertising
    2022 Taiwan local election
    日期: 2024
    上傳時間: 2024-08-05 14:57:54 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 臉書是台灣政治人物最常使用的社群媒體。其母公司 Meta 自 2019 年起將台灣納入「社會議題、選舉或政治相關內容」的廣告政策中,並公開廣告檔案庫讓大眾檢視廣告透明度。自此,候選人除了在臉書粉絲專頁上經營原生內容外,如何在臉書購買政治廣告也成為選戰策略的一部份。
    新竹選區是 2022 年台灣九合一大選中最受關注的區域。為了解候選人如何在選戰中,應用粉絲專頁經營及政治廣告兩項工具贏得選戰,本研究以五位參與 2022 年新竹縣市選舉的候選人粉絲專頁,高虹安、沈慧虹、林耕仁、楊文科以及周江杰為個案,利用 Meta 廣告檔案庫的公開資料,觀察其選前半年在臉書上的政治廣告投放策略;並透過分析候選人公開貼文、訪談候選人粉絲專頁小編了解其社群經營策略。
    Facebook is the most commonly used social media platform by Taiwanese politicians. Since 2019, Meta has included Taiwan in its advertising policy concerning "ads about social issues, elections, or politics " and disclosed an ad Library for people to review transparency. Since then, in addition to managing native content on fan pages, how to utilize political advertising on Facebook has become part of election campaign strategies.

    Hsinchu electoral district attracted the most attention in the 2022 Taiwan local election. To understand how candidates used fan page management and political advertising to win elections, this study focused on the fan pages of five candidates in the 2022 Hsinchu County and City elections: Shen Hui-Hong, Lin Ken-Jen, Kao Hung-An, Yang Wen-Ke, and Chou Jiang-Jieh. Candidate’s Facebook fan pages and
    Meta ad library were used to observe their advertising strategies, and interviews with candidates’ editors were conducted to understand their social media management

    This study found significant differences in advertising spending on Facebook fan page among various candidates during the campaign. In terms of strategies, this study found that “leader” and “challenger” brand strategies were adopted under different
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    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111ZM1026
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