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    Title: 臺灣青年研究者眼中的日本ACG─以碩博士論文為分析對象
    Perspectives of Japanese ACG from young researchers in Taiwan:A review of MA theses and PhD dissertations
    Authors: 劉傑笙
    Liu, Chieh Shen
    Contributors: 李世暉
    Liu, Chieh Shen
    Keywords: 日本
    ACG studies
    Legitimation Code Theory
    knowledge-knower structure
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:50:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 日本的內容產業(コンテンツ産業)起步地早也相對地豐富,當中以動漫、遊戲、輕小說、Vtuber等為首的內容更是風靡全球,台灣常將上述內容合稱為ACG(Anime, Comic, Game)或ACGN(Novel)等縮寫。隨著閱聽人與消費者的增加,日本ACG在產業或社會的能見度也變高,在學界以日本ACG為對象的研究數量也不可小覷,更有許多青年研究者投入鑽研。
    Japanese content industry(コンテンツ産業) has a long history and is relatively various. Among them, such as anime, manga, games, light novels, and Vtubers are particularly popular around the world. They refer to the above content as ACG (Anime, Comic, Game) or ACGN (Novel) in Taiwan. With increasing number of viewers and consumers, the visibility of Japanese ACG in the industry or society has also increased. The amount of research focused on Japanese ACG in academia is also considerable, with many young researchers dedicating themselves to study it.
    In order to explore the themes and categories of Japanese ACG research, this study collected master's theses and doctoral dissertations from National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan for the academic years 2010 to 2023. The abstracts of these theses were processed using natural language processing methods to construct a database. Subsequently, the cleaned data were clustered into thematic groups, Finally, use Legitimation Code Theory to analyze the research subjects and approaches of theses and dissertations.
    The results indicates that Japanese ACG studies in Taiwan have shifted gradually from ontic lens to discursive lens. This shift implies that ACG studies focus solely on the content or medium of past research towards examining other elements associated with the content. In the future, it can be expected that when new content emerges, ontic lens papers studying that content will appear first.
    Reference: 中文部分
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109861003
    Data Type: thesis
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