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    政大機構典藏 > 理學院 > 心理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/152918
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    Title: 安心專線開案管理電話追蹤關懷之成效分析
    An evaluation of the effectiveness of the follow-up care phone calls for the callers to Taiwan An Hsin Hotline
    Authors: 余宸佑
    Yu, Chen-Yu
    Contributors: 許文耀
    Hsu, Wen-Yau
    Yu, Chen-Yu
    Keywords: 安心專線
    Taiwan An Hsin Hotline
    Effectiveness Evaluation
    Suicide Follow-up Care
    Suicide Reporting
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:49:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 對高自殺風險個案持續的追蹤關懷是重要的。台灣安心專線的開案管理,是於安心專線將具有中、高自殺風險的來電者轉介至台北市生命線,由生命線定期主動致電個案,對這群來電者進行追蹤關懷,嘗試企圖降低其自殺風險或轉介至相關單位。此種電話追蹤關懷已經行之有年,但至今未有任何實證研究探討其成效如何。因此,本研究的目的即是探討台灣安心專線開案管理的成效。本研究的研究問題計有:一、比較開案管理於追蹤過程中,持續電話關懷與被轉介這兩組在開案後的第一通來電的前1/3與後1/3的自殺風險性與情緒困擾,是否有所改變且這兩組是否具有差異。二、檢驗持續電話關懷、被轉介兩組來電者從開案後第一通電話的後1/3到結案前最後一通電話的後1/3的自殺風險性與情緒困擾,是否具有差異,來當為成效評估的效果;同時,本研究將以台灣自殺防治通報系統的資料庫,來檢驗持續電話關懷、被轉介兩組在後續被自殺通報的差異,也作為檢驗成效的指標。

    本研究資料為2019年7月至2023年底安心專線的開案管理來電者,於開案後第一通電話與結案前最後一通電話之電話錄音檔、台灣eSOS自殺危機個案處理系統資料庫之紀錄檔,以及自殺通報系統資料。在此段時間,安心專線開案管理個案持續電話關懷組共213人,被轉介組共29人,排除開案後第一通電話或結案前最後一通電話通話時間低於10分鐘而不足以分析以回答本研究問題之錄音檔後,持續電話關懷組仍有84人,被轉介組僅剩17人。因此,本研究隨機抽取20位持續電話關懷組來電者,加上17位被轉介組來電者,一共對37位來電者資料進行研究分析。本研究將錄音檔轉錄成文字謄本後(已去除可辨識個人的資料),以自殺風險評量表(SRS)、情緒狀態評量表(MSRS)對每通來電文字謄本之前1/3時段及後1/3時段,進行自殺風險程度、情緒困擾程度的評分,兩位評分者對SRS和MSRS之評分者間信度Kendall's Tau-b經分析分別為.89以及.86,皆顯示具有良好的評估者信度。此外,本研究也對持續電話關懷、被轉介兩組在結案後,是否因有自殺企圖而被通報至台灣自殺防治通報系統之情形,進行差異檢定。本研究將以變異數分析、共變異數分析、卡方檢定等進行資料分析。研究結果指出,兩組來電者於開案後第一通電話內的自殺風險及情緒困擾程度皆無顯著改善;經過電話追蹤關懷後,持續電話關懷組相較被轉介組的來電者,於結案時自殺風險及情緒困擾程度皆有顯著改善,且在結案後也顯著較少會因為具自殺企圖而被通報至自殺通報系統。上述結果顯示,安心專線的開案管理能夠藉由電話追蹤關懷的過程有效降低來電者的自殺風險,且於結案後仍有不錯的遠程效果,此結果除了給予安心專線實證資料的證據,也提供其他自殺防治單位可參考的介入方式。最後,本研究也對目前研究的限制,以及未來研究若需更進一步探討所可以突破的方向進行討論。
    Continuous follow-up and care for individuals at high suicide risk are crucial. Taiwan's An Hsin Hotline manages high suicide risk cases by transferring them to Taipei Lifeline, which regularly contacts these individuals to monitor and reduce their suicide risk or refer them to relevant services. This telephone follow-up care has been practiced for years, but its effectiveness has not been empirically studied. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of follow-up care phone calls provided by An Hsin Hotline. Research questions: 1.Compare suicide risk and emotional distress levels between the first and last third of the initial call for groups which received telephone follow-up care, and those referred to other services, to see if there are any changes and if these two groups differ. This will verify whether the findings of Shaw & Chiang (2019) on one-time callers to An Hsin Hotline are also applicable to those under follow-up care calls 2.To evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention, we examine differences in suicide risk and emotional distress levels between the initial call and the last call before case termination in both groups, and use the data from Taiwan Suicide Prevention System to compare subsequent suicide attempts.

    The study use data from July 2019 to the end of 2023, including call recordings, Taiwan eSOS system records, and suicide prevention system data. After excluding recordings where the duration of the first or last call was less than 10 minutes, which is insufficient for analysis, the study analyzed data from 20 individuals in the telephone follow-up care group and 17 in the referred group. Transcribed recordings were scored using the Suicide Risk Scale (SRS) and Mental State Rating Scale (MSRS). Inter-rater reliability was high (Kendall's Tau-b: SRS = .89, MSRS = .86). Results showed no significant improvements in SRS and MSRS scores during the initial call. However, after telephone follow-up care, the telephone follow-up care group showed significant improvement in both scores at case termination and were less likely to be reported for suicide attempts after termination. This study provides empirical evidence for the effectiveness of follow-up car phone call by An Hsin Hotline, and offers insights for other suicide prevention organizations. Limitations and future research directions were also discussed.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109752006
    Data Type: thesis
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