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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/152897
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    Title: 原住民族狩獵權憲法訴訟的法律動員
    Legal Mobilization of the Constitutional Litigation on Indigenous Peoples’ Hunting Right
    Authors: 曾昭浚
    TSUNG, Chiu Tsun
    Contributors: 王曉丹
    WANG, Hsiao Tan
    TSUNG, Chiu Tsun
    Keywords: 原住民族
    Legal Mobilization
    Hunting Rights
    Social Movements
    Mobilizing Structure
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:42:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 法律動員能否推動原住民族改變被國家壓迫的主體建構?過往研究著重在如何在新自由主義的脈絡下透過擴大市場力量的方式彰顯出原住民族的新主體。本研究透過分析原住民族狩獵權釋憲(釋字803 號解釋)的歷史發展,以及訪談原住民族社運者,探討了獵人身份在法律動員與原住民族社會運動下不斷演變的動態關係。研究發現雖然法律動員讓族人進入社會體系時,必須調整以往的論述並改以社會主流論述或法律語言表達;但社運者進入社會主流論述構框,能夠動員社會大眾支持關注議題,並改變原住民以往被視為犯罪者的主體。另外,族人透過大法官的判決能促使行政機關以更開放的態度看待對他們的政策,加上判決給予的正當性能提升族人的權利意識,讓族人以自我賦權的方式獲得自治狩獵事務的機會,更獲得一個可以跟政府合作、對話的新主體。對於台灣原住民社運者而言,以上發現能協助他們審視現時推動法律動員的策略,並於未來能更充足準備可能遇到的困難與挑戰。
    Can legal mobilization advance the transformation of Indigenous peoples' subjectivity under state oppression? Previous research has focused on how to highlight Indigenous peoples' new subjectivity by expanding market forces in the context of neoliberalism. In Contrast, this study analyzes the historical development of the constitutional interpretation of Indigenous hunting rights (Interpretation No. 803) and interviews Indigenous social activists to explore the evolving dynamic relationship between hunter identity and legal mobilization in Indigenous social movements. The research findings indicate that although legal mobilization requires Indigenous people to adjust their discourse when entering the social system, adopting mainstream societal narratives or legal language, activists' engagement with these mainstream narratives can mobilize public support and attention to their issues, thereby altering the previous perception of Indigenous people as criminals. Furthermore, through the decisions of the Justices, Indigenous people can encourage administrative agencies to adopt more open attitudes towards policies affecting them. The legitimacy conferred by judicial decisions can enhance the rights awareness of Indigenous people, enabling them to achieve autonomous management of hunting affairs through self-empowerment and fostering a new subjectivity that allows for cooperation and dialogue with the government. For Indigenous social activists in Taiwan, these findings can assist in examining current strategies for promote legal mobilization and better preparing for potential difficulties and challenges in the future.
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