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Title: | 新加坡人對“較健康選擇標誌";的認知與理解 The Perception and Understanding of the Healthier Choice Symbol in Singaporeans |
Authors: | 陳姿吟 Tan, Zi Yin |
Contributors: | 施琮仁 Shih, Tsung-Jen 陳姿吟 Tan, Zi Yin |
Keywords: | 推敲可能性模型 健康選擇標誌 新加坡 營養素養 可信度 購買意向 Elaboration Likelihood Model Healthier Choice Symbol credibility nutritional literacy attitudes purchasing intentions |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 14:37:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究利用推敲可能性模型(ELM),結合可信度和營養素養,檢視健康選擇標誌(HCS)對消費者購買意向的影響,並聚焦於消費者態度的中介效應。ELM框架區分了中央路徑和外圍途徑的說服作用,將營養素養作為中央線索,可信度作為周邊線索。本研究調查了390名21歲以上的新加坡人。結果顯示,可信度顯著影響了對HCS的正面態度及隨後的購買意向。具體而言,認為HCS可信的消費者更有可能對展示此標誌的產品產生有利的態度,進而增加他們購買這些產品的意向。態度在可信度和購買意向之間起到中介作用,突顯了消費者感知在塑造行為結果中的關鍵角色。研究發現營養素養對HCS相關態度或購買意向沒有顯著影響。這表明,雖然可信度在通過HCS影響消費者行為方面起著關鍵作用,但營養素養在此可能尚未成為顯著因素。 This study utilizes the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), integrating credibility and nutritional literacy, to examine the impact of the Healthier Choice Symbol (HCS) on consumers' purchasing intentions, with a focus on the mediation effect of consumer attitudes. The ELM framework, distinguishing between central and peripheral routes of persuasion, incorporates nutritional literacy as a central cue and credibility as a peripheral cue. This research surveyed 390 Singaporeans above the age of 21 years old. The results demonstrated credibility significantly influences positive attitudes towards the HCS and subsequent purchase intentions. Specifically, consumers who perceive the HCS as credible are more likely to develop favorable attitudes towards products displaying this label, which in turn increases their intentions to purchase those products. Importantly, attitudes mediate the relationship between credibility and purchasing intentions, highlighting the pivotal role of consumer perceptions in shaping behavioral outcomes. The study found no significant impact of nutritional literacy on attitudes or purchasing intentions related to the HCS. This suggests that while credibility plays a crucial role in influencing consumer behavior through the HCS, nutritional literacy may not yet be a salient factor in this context. |
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