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Title: | 新北市高級中等學校校長空間領導、學校組織變革與學校競爭優勢關係之研究 A Study of the Relationship among Principal's Space Leadership, School Organizational Change and School Competitive Advantages of Senior High Schools in New Taipei City |
Authors: | 梁維芳 Liang, Wei-Fang |
Contributors: | 湯志民 Tang, Chih-Min 梁維芳 Liang, Wei-Fang |
Keywords: | 校長空間領導 學校組織變革 學校競爭優勢 The Principal’s Space Leadership School Organizational Change School Competitive Advantage |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 14:31:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究在討論新北市高級中等學校校長空間領導、學校組織變革與學校競爭優勢關係之現況。本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為新北市公私立高級中等學校教師,抽樣40間學校,共發900份問卷,回收的有效問卷共808份,有效問卷回收率為89.78%,並進一步採用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關分析、多元迴歸分析,分析統計軟體為IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0,以探討校長空間領導、學校組織變革與學校競爭優勢之間的現況、不同變項間的差異情形、兩兩之間之相關性以及校長空間領導與學校組織變革對學校競爭優勢之預測力等,以探討相互變項間之關係性。 研究結果如下: 一、新北市高級中等學校教師對校長空間領導的知覺程度現況屬於中上程度,以「融入課程教學」表現最佳。 二、新北市高級中等學校教師對學校組織變革的知覺程度現況屬於中上程度,以「技術變革」表現最佳。 三、新北市高級中等學校教師對學校競爭優勢的知覺程度現況屬於中上程度,以「組織能力優勢」表現最佳。 四、新北市高級中等學校教師以最高學歷為博士、教師兼行政職務、校長為男性、校長在該校擔任校長的服務年資為超過8年及學校規模25至48班之新北市高級中等學校教師,對於校長空間領導知覺程度較高。 五、新北市高級中等學校教師以最高學歷為博士、專任教師、校長為女性之新北市高級中等學校教師,對於學校組織變革知覺程度較高。 六、新北市高級中等學校教師以教師為男性、最高學歷為博士、教師兼行政職務、校長為女性、校長在該校擔任校長的服務年資超過8年之新北市高級中等學校教師,對於學校競爭優勢知覺程度較高。 七、校長空間領導、學校組織變革與學校競爭優勢整體彼此間具有高度至非常高度相關。 八、校長空間領導對學校組織變革具有高度影響力;校長空間領導對學校競爭優勢具有高度影響力;學校組織變革對學校競爭優勢具有高度影響力。
最後,依本研究結論提出相關具體建議,供教育行政機關、高中職學校領導者、學校教師、學校教育人員及未來研究者之參考。 The purpose of this study is to understand the current status of the principal’s space leadership, school organizational change and school competitive advantage at senior high schools in New Taipei City. It also analyzes the differences in the principal’s space leadership, school organizational change and school competitive advantage based on different background variables. And the study explores the correlation between these three factors and examines the predictive impact of the principal’s space leadership and school organizational change on school competitive advantage. The research adopts a survey research method, sampling a total of 40 schools in New Taipei City, with teachers from senior high schools at the subjects. A total of 900 questionnaires were distributed, and 808 were collected, achieving a response rate of 89.78%. Data analysis includes descriptive statistics, independent sample t-tests, on-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation, multiple stepwise regression analysis. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1.The perception level of senior high school teachers in New Taipei City on the principal’s space leadership is at a moderate to high level, with the highest perception in “integration into curriculum and teaching”. 2.The perception level of senior high school teachers in New Taipei City on school organizational change is at a moderate to high level, with the highest perception in “technological change”. 3.The perception level of senior high school teachers in New Taipei City on school competitive advantage is at a moderate to high level, with the highest perception in “organizational advantage”. 4.The senior high school teachers in “the highest educational attainment being a doctorate”, “teachers which hold administrative positions”, “male principals”, “principals serving in their position for more than 8 years”, “schools with a size of 25 to 48 classes” have a higher degree of awareness of the principal’s space leadership. 5.The senior high school teachers in “the highest educational attainment being a doctorate”, “full-time teachers”, “female principals” have a higher degree of awareness of school organizational change. 6.The senior high school teachers in “male teachers”, “the highest educational attainment being a doctorate”, “teachers which hold administrative positions”, “female principals”, “principals serving in their position for more than 8 years” have a higher degree of awareness of school competitive advantage. 7.There is a high to very high correlation between the principal’s space leadership, school organizational change and school competitive advantage. |
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