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    Title: 女同志諮商心理師經歷案主移情愛的經驗初探
    The preliminary study of female LGBTQ+ counseling psychologists’ experience on clients’ transference-love
    Authors: 周家璇
    Chou, Chia-Hsuan
    Contributors: 李淑菁
    Chou, Chia-Hsuan
    Keywords: 女同志
    Female LGBTQ+
    Counseling psychologists
    Transference-love experience
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:28:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在實務現場「移情愛」由於治療情境的特殊設置,依循案主在個人性、情
    In practical settings, " transference love" exists almost as a reality within therapeutic relationships due to the unique setup of the treatment environment. This phenomenon follows the development of the client in terms of personal identity, situational context, and relational dynamics. This study focuses on female LGBTQ+ counseling psychologists within the diverse gender spectrum, exploring their experiences of being placed in a position of romantic affection and investigating their understanding, feelings, and management of such experiences. Simultaneously, the research pays attention to the varying emotional responses of female LGBTQ+ counseling psychologists when faced with clients of different genders, as well as the impacts of experiencing love transference at specific stages.
    This study aims to explore the experiences of female LGBTQ+ counseling Psychologists in dealing with their clients’ transference love, in order to understand the situations and coping strategies of female LGBTQ + counseling psychologists in the counseling field. Interviews with female LGBTQ+ counseling psychologists will be conducted using semi-structured methods to gather textual data, retrospectively exploring their interactions and experiences with clients exhibiting transference love during therapy sessions, thereby enhancing understanding of this overall phenomenon.
    The finding shows as following. First, the psychologist's ability to respond to the client's inquiries from their own standpoint and provide alternative feedback is crucial in managing transference love . Second, the core of managing transference love lies in exploring the client's claimed meaning of love. Third, different approaches to managing transference love emerge as the therapeutic relationship progresses. Fourth, feelings towards transference love are influenced by gender expression and the physiological threat. Fifth, life experiences, learning stages, and professional development collectively influence the management of transference love.
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