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    Title: 國家安全考量下的特殊難民 - 以2019年香港反送中事件後遷台港人為例
    At the Intersection of Refugees and Taiwanese National Security: A Case Study of Hong Kongese Refugees Following the 2019 Hong Kong Protests
    Authors: 黃尚卿
    Huang, Shang-Ching
    Contributors: 林佳和
    Huang, Shang-Ching
    Keywords: 國際難民公約
    Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees,
    Asylum Seekers
    Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement
    Refugee Law
    North Korean Defectors
    Hong Kongers
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:26:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文首先探討我國在沒有難民法之情況下如何協助2019年反送中運動後來臺港人。以2020年「臺港服務交流辦公室」(後稱「交流辦」)之成立為分水嶺,之前由公民團體協助,之後由交流辦接手,加以公私協力之方式進行。論文以質性訪談之方式,訪談對象為尋求庇護之港人及協助之公民團體,以爬梳其經歷之庇護審查機制與流程。


    This thesis first explores how Taiwan assists Hong Kong people who came to Taiwan after the 2019 Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement in the absence of a refugee law, and the establishment of the "Taiwan-Hong Kong Services and Exchanges Office” (hereafter referred to as the “Services Office") in 2020 serves as a watershed. Before the office opens, the asylum seeker support system was mainly provided by civil groups, while afterwards, the Services Office took over, implementing a public-private partnership approach to offer help. The thesis uses qualitative interviews, interviewing Hong Kong asylum seekers who successfully received the “special ID” to stay in the country and the assisting civil groups, to review the Hong Kong asylum seeker support system and the processes they experienced, which is not expressly stipulated currently.
    Additionally, to understand whether Taiwan’s asylum seeker policy has complied with or is closed to international standards, the article also organizes relevant regulations or international instruments on asylum-seekers' solutions from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, directives from the European Common Asylum System, and the principles for handling refugee applications from the International Association of Refugee Law Judges, comparing the obligations and policy principles that asylum-providing countries should fulfill.
    The later part of this article aims to analyze South Korea's asylum policies for North Korean defectors. Given that national security has been the main reason for the failure of Taiwan's refugee law, the thesis compares how the South Korean government, which also has national security considerations regarding North Korean defectors, handles their asylum applications through review systems and resettlement systems. It further discusses whether Taiwan's asylum seeker support system should be adjusted to balance national security and human rights, providing recommendations for a revised approach.
    Reference: 中文

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