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Title: | 無妄/無望/毋忘: 愛滋感染者的長照抉擇如何被建制? Innocence, Desperation, and Imprint:How the Decisions of People Living with HIV on Long-Term Care is Socially Organized? |
Authors: | 陳巧禎 Chen, Chiao-Chen |
Contributors: | 王增勇 Wang, Tsen-Yung 陳巧禎 Chen, Chiao-Chen |
Keywords: | 愛滋感染者 長期照顧 住宿式機構 失能 污名 HIV-infected individuals long-term care residential facilities disability stigma |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 14:21:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以我在愛滋 NGO 擔任一線工作者的斷裂經驗為起點,看見愛滋感染者失能卻面臨被住宿式照顧機構拒絕,又無法順利銜接長照資源的困境,以服務愛滋感染者的一線工作者(愛滋個管師、公衛人員、社工)的經驗為研究立足點,輔以愛滋 NGO 作為此研究的田野場域,藉著爬梳各種文本與深度訪談,透過建制民族誌的引導,走進愛滋與長照治理的地圖,試圖拆解斷裂經驗背後牽涉的愛滋與長照治理,如何作用在失能愛滋感染者身上。
此外,在爬梳文本如何跨時、跨地支配失能感染者的照顧議題時,發現臺灣愛滋治理圍繞在達成 95-95-95 的績效指標的主流論述,影響著臺灣愛滋治理的方向,而忽略了愛滋社群的照顧議題。為此,在本研究的最後,提出幾個重要的看見,其一是拆解主流疾病以及身心障礙鑑定制度對於穩定與可見的失能框架,藉此提出愛滋社群的特殊性,以增加愛滋社群的多元論述;其二是,跳脫出污名的論述框架,重新喚醒愛滋社群的能動性,期待這個研究能夠召喚愛滋社群與愛滋助人領域的工作者們;期盼這個研究能作為愛滋社群集結的起點,成為凝聚愛滋社群的力量。同時,為臺灣愛滋與長照治理提出不同的論述觀點。 This research starts from my firsthand experience as a frontline worker in an AIDS NGO, witnessing the challenges faced by people living with HIV/AIDS who are disabled and rejected by institutional care facilities, yet unable to smoothly access long-term care resources. The study is grounded in the experiences of frontline workers serving people living with HIV/AIDS (AIDS case managers, public health personnel, social workers), with the AIDS NGO as the research field. Through the analysis of various texts and in-depth interviews guided by institutional ethnography, the study navigates through the governance landscape of AIDS and long-term care, aiming to deconstruct the experiences of discontinuity and examine how AIDS and long-term care governance affects disabled HIV-infected individuals.
Apart from focusing on long-term care policies and disability assessment systems and how they influence access to long-term care services for infected individuals, the study also delves into the intricate relationships between institutional care facilities and disabled infected individuals who face difficulties in receiving care. It analyzes how frontline workers develop strategies to meet the caregiving needs of infected individuals. The research findings reveal that under the operation mechanism of a free market, care facilities tend to exclude HIV-infected individuals with special caregiving needs due to considerations of operational costs and caregiving burdens. AIDS case managers attempt to facilitate the entry of HIV-infected individuals into institutional caregiving resources through various strategies and methods.
In addition, while examining texts across time and place concerning the care issues of disabled individuals living with HIV/AIDS, it was found that Taiwan's HIV/AIDS governance predominantly revolves around achieving the 95-95-95 performance targets, thus influencing the direction of HIV/AIDS governance in Taiwan. This focus has overlooked caregiving issues within the aging HIV/AIDS community or those with disabilities. Therefore, this study concludes by highlighting several critical observations. Firstly, it proposes deconstructing mainstream disease and disability assessment systems to establish stable and visible disability frameworks, thereby presenting the unique characteristics of the HIV/AIDS community and promoting diverse discourse. Secondly, it advocates for moving beyond stigmatizing discourse frameworks to reawaken agency within the HIV/AIDS community, aiming to mobilize both the community and professionals in the HIV/AIDS assistance field. This research is anticipated to serve as a rallying point for the HIV/AIDS community, fostering unity IV and becoming a catalyst for different discourse perspectives on HIV/AIDS and long-term care governance in Taiwan. |
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