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    Title: 以擬社會互動理論與廣告價值模型探討Podcast廣告效果
    Exploring the Advertising Effect of Podcast with the Parasocial Interaction Theory and the Advertising Value Framework
    Authors: 呂宗翰
    Lu, Tsung-Han
    Contributors: 陳憶寧
    Chen, Yi-Ning
    Lu, Tsung-Han
    Keywords: Podcast廣告
    Podcast Advertising
    Parasocial Interaction Theory
    Advertising Value Framework
    Purchase Intention
    Advertising Attitudes
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:10:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年,Podcast的熱度及討論程度持續燃燒,且在各領域被廣泛使用於品牌及產品行銷。同時,2022年5月,台灣本土Podcast平台SoundOn、Firstory不約而同都推出「動態廣告」(Dynamic Ad Insertion, DAI)功能顛覆原有 Podcast廣告市場,因此,本研究將在台灣Podcast生態發展更趨完整的情況下,以廣告價值模型結合擬社會互動理論及其前置變數探討Podcast廣告效果。
    本研究採用問卷調查法,經立意抽樣後,共回收433份有效問卷,並使用結構方程式(Structural Equation Modelling, SEM)來驗證變相間的因果關係。
    本研究發現,Podcast廣告的娛樂性、資訊性、可信性對廣告態度有正向影響,而干擾性對廣告態度有負向影響,擬社會互動程度、擬社會互動前置變數: 聲音吸引力、社交吸引力皆對擬社會互動有正向影響,Podcast廣告態度對購買意圖有正向影響。同時,亦發現Podcast廣告的資訊性也對購買意圖有正向影響。
    In recent years, the popularity and discussion of Podcasts have continued to rise. In May 2022, Taiwan's local Podcast platforms SoundOn and Firstory both introduced "Dynamic Ad Insertion" (DAI) function, disrupting the original Podcast advertising market. Therefore, this study will explore the advertising effectiveness of Podcasts in Taiwan by combining an advertising value framework with the parasocial interaction theory and its antecedents, in a more complete development of the Podcast ecosystem in Taiwan.
    This study employed a questionnaire survey method, and after purposive sampling, a total of 433 valid questionnaires were collected. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to verify the causal relationships between variables.
    This study found that the entertainment, informativeness, and credibility of podcast advertisements have a positive impact on advertising attitudes, while advertisements irritation has a negative impact on advertising attitudes. The parasocial interaction degree and parasocial interaction antecedent variables - voice attractiveness and social attractiveness - all have a positive impact on parasocial interaction. Podcast advertising attitudes have a positive impact on purchase intention. Additionally, it was also found that the informativeness of podcast advertisements has a positive impact on purchase intention.
    Therefore, this study suggests that operators and podcasters should pay special attention to the entertainment value of advertising content when recording programs and advertisements. They should also consider from the perspective of consumers and listeners, what product information is most needed by consumers, in order to more directly influence consumers' purchasing decisions. Furthermore, when podcast advertising information can help listeners better understand the product, there is an opportunity to increase the purchasing intent of listeners and consumers.
    It is suggested that podcasters continue to develop niche topics, deepen their connection with listeners, and make audiences feel that they have a higher relevance to the qualities possessed by the podcaster. Advertisers can focus on increasing the impact of niche marketing, allowing parasocial relationships to have a more comprehensive impact through the podcast medium.
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