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    Title: 社群媒體使用動機、自我呈現策略與線上社交網絡之關係研究:以台灣的大學新生使用 Instagram 大小帳適應新環境為例
    User’s Motivation, Self-presentation Strategies, and Social Network in Social Media: Take the Example of College Freshmen in Taiwan Using Real and Fake Instagram Accounts to Adapt to the New Environment
    Authors: 張書庭
    Chang, Shu-Ting
    Contributors: 韓義興
    Han, Yi-Hsing
    Chang, Shu-Ting
    Keywords: 大小帳
    College adjustment
    Motivations for using social media
    Self-presentation strategies
    Online social networks
    Real Instagram
    Fake Instagram
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:09:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨者社群媒體的快速發展,許多人使用社群媒體展現自我、建立與維繫人際關係。而當人們進入全新的環境時,社群媒體同樣扮演著重要的角色,人們會透過在社群媒體中建立不同的人際網絡,使自己更快速地融入新環境。因此,本研究以台灣大學新生使用Instagram大小帳適應新環境為例,探討其社群媒體使用動機、自我呈現策略以及線上社交網絡三者之間的關係。


    With the rapid development of social media, many people use it to express themselves and build relationships. When people enter new environments, social media also plays a significant role. They use social media to establish different interpersonal networks, enabling them to adapt to the new environment more swiftly. Therefore, this study focused on Taiwanese university freshmen using real Instagram and fake Instagram to adapt to a new environment, exploring the relationships among their motivations for using social media, self-presentation strategies, and online social networks.

    This research considered the motivation for using social media as the independent variable, self-presentation strategies in real Instagram (rinsta, which means a real Instagram account) and fake Instagram (finsta, which means a fake Instagram account) as the mediation variable, and online social networks as the dependent variable. The study administered an online questionnaire survey, conducting a pre-test in January 2023 and the final survey in June 2023, and a total of 384 questionnaires were collected. The findings indicated that the motivation for maintaining relationships was the highest among freshmen in the adjustment to college. They frequently ingratiated others in their real Instagram while presenting their authentic selves in fake Instagram. Their online social networks primarily composed of people with high strength of tie and high homophily. Furthermore, motivations for using social media impacted self-presentation strategies and online social networks. Self-presentation strategies also impacted online social networks, with the self-presentation strategies in the real Instagram and the fake Instagram mediating the relationship between motivations and online social networks.
    This study delved into the usage patterns of social media and psychological needs of freshman. It provided insights and considerations for educational institutions in guiding freshmen's adaptation to new environments while also enriching the literature in the fields of social media and environmental adaptation, contributing academically to these domains.
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