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Title: | 公共圖書館數位資源融入英語閱讀教學對國小學童英語閱讀動機、閱讀態度與閱讀理解之影響 The Influence of Integrating Public Library Digital Resources into English Reading Instruction on the Motivation, Attitudes, and Comprehension of English Reading among Elementary School Students |
Authors: | 楊宗翰 Yang, Tsung-Han |
Contributors: | 李沛錞 Lee Pei-Chun 楊宗翰 Yang, Tsung-Han |
Keywords: | 公共圖書館數位資源 英語閱讀教學 閱讀動機 閱讀態度 閱讀理解 Public library digital resources English reading instruction Reading motivation Reading attitude Reading comprehension |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 13:32:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討公共圖書館數位資源融入英語閱讀教學對學生英語閱讀態度、閱讀動機及閱讀理解的影響。研究方法採用行動研究法,以國小六年級27名學生為研究對象,在10堂英語閱讀課程中使用公共圖書館數位資源進行學習。課程前後透過問卷分析學生英語閱讀動機和閱讀態度的變化,並透過閱讀理解測驗了解學生的閱讀理解情況。研究也進行半結構式訪談,了解學生對公共圖書館數位資源的使用感受與回饋,並透過教師觀察紀錄來對應問卷分析結果及訪談反饋。研究結果顯示,學生的閱讀動機和閱讀態度有顯著提升。公共圖書館數位資源的融入,使學生感到有興趣、喜歡並且有幫助,並以正面積極的態度參與閱讀活動,閱讀理解測驗亦有較佳的表現。根據量化分析結果、學生訪談回饋及教師觀察紀錄,本研究鼓勵教師在教學準備中運用公共圖書館數位資源,並建議學生在課內與課外進行自主閱讀。另外,建議公共圖書館與教育單位合作,除了推廣利用教育,還應完善數位資源的閱讀體驗,使其更便利且符合教育現場的教學應用。 This study investigates the influence of integrating public library digital resources into English reading instruction on students' reading motivation, reading attitudes, and reading comprehension. The research employs action research and involves 27 sixth-grade students as the subjects. During ten English reading sessions, students utilized digital resources from the public library. Changes in students' reading motivation and attitudes were analyzed through questionnaires administered before and after the course, while reading comprehension was assessed through comprehension tests. Additionally, semi-structured interviews were conducted to understand students' experiences and feedback regarding the use of public library digital resources, supported by teacher observation records to corroborate questionnaire and interview findings. The results indicate significant improvements in students' reading motivation and attitudes. Integrating public library digital resources made reading activities more interesting, enjoyable, and helpful, fostering a positive and active reading attitude among students. Students also performed better in reading comprehension tests. Based on quantitative analysis, student feedback, and teacher observations, this study encourages teachers to incorporate public library digital resources in their lesson planning, and suggests that students use these resources for both in-class and independent reading. Furthermore, it recommends that public libraries collaborate with educational institutions to promote library instruction and enhance the digital reading experience, making it more convenient and aligned with the needs of teaching and learning contexts. |
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