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Title: | 分析蘇比克-克拉克-打拉高速公路(SCTEX) 對菲律賓中央呂宋地區的地方財政影響 Connecting Roads and Revenue: Analyzing the Fiscal Impact of Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX) on Local Finances in Central Luzon Region, Philippines |
Authors: | 莊文明 Marquez, John Michael Cabales |
Contributors: | 傅健豪 Fu, Chien-Hao 莊文明 Marquez, John Michael Cabales |
Keywords: | 地方財政 基礎建設 最近鄰匹配 差異中的差異 local public finance infrastructure nearest-neighbor matching difference-in-difference |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 13:29:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究使用最近鄰匹配程序 (nearest-neighbor matching) 和差異中之 差異方法 (difference-in- difference method, DiD),對道路基礎設施的財政影 響進行了全面評估。本 研究聚焦於菲律賓中呂宋地區的蘇比克-克拉克-打 拉高速公路 (SCTEX)。 實證結果顯示,SCTEX 在經濟層面上對商業稅收 有正向顯著的影響。然 而,SCTEX 對財產稅的影響既不立即也不顯著, 導致其影響相比於商業 稅收較為微弱。
此外,該高速公路不僅對商業稅收有顯著影響,還影響了服務費和 受其直接影響的市政的本地收入總額。這些發現證實了基礎設施投資在地 方發展中的重要性。影響評估強調了基礎設施投資通過降低運輸成本和促 進 SCTEX 沿線經濟活動對地方政府收入增長的間接貢獻。這種增強的稅 收生成能力使地方政府單位能夠更有效地合作,成為國家發展議程的合作 夥伴。整體而言,本研究成果可幫助國家與地方政策規劃者,在投資基礎 建設及管理地方財政收入時,能作出更完善之規劃。 This study conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the fiscal impact of road infrastructure using empirical methods, such as the nearest-neighbor matching procedure and the difference-in-difference (DiD) method. Focusing on the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX) in the Central Luzon region of the Philippines, the study provides robust evidence of a statistically significant and economically positive influence on business taxes. However, the impact of SCTEX on property taxes is neither immediate nor substantial, resulting in a less pronounced effect compared to business taxes.
Furthermore, the expressway significantly affects not only business taxes but also service charges and the total locally sourced revenue in the municipalities directly affected by its presence. These findings substantiate the widely acknowledged importance of infrastructure investments in localized development. The impact evaluation highlights the indirect contribution of infrastructure investments to local government revenue enhancement by reducing transportation costs and fostering economic activities along SCTEX. This enhanced tax revenue generation enables local government units to collaborate more effectively and efficiently, becoming partners in the country’s development agenda. Overall, the insights from this study are crucial for more informed strategic decision-making by national and local policymakers regarding infrastructure investments and local revenue administration. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 應用經濟與社會發展英語碩士學位學程(IMES) 111266020 |
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