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    Title: 越南籍學習者華語聲調偏誤類型與習得難點研究
    A study on tone error types and learning difficulties among Vietnamese learners of Mandarin Chinese
    Authors: 陳氏映月
    Tran, Thi Anh Nguyet
    Contributors: 杜容玥
    Tu, Jung-Yueh
    Tran, Thi Anh Nguyet
    Keywords: 越南學習者
    Vietnamese learners
    Mandarin tones
    ";一";tone sandhi
    ";不";tone sandhi
    tone 3 sandhi
    Mandarin language teaching
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 13:24:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 對於華語學習者而言,聲調總是學習者的學習難點之一,尤其是華語的變調現象,而聲調是華語區分語義的重要因素。對於母語為聲調語言的越南學習者來說,聲調可能不是陌生的概念,但在學習華語的過程中,學習者會遇到聲調方面的學習難點,尤其是母語所缺乏的變調現象。因此,本文旨在針對越南母語學習者華語單字調、「一」變調、「不」變調進行聽辨和發音測驗,以及T3二字組變調和T3三字組變調發音測驗研究。通過語料收集與分析,探討學習者在華語聲調的感知與產出出現的具體偏誤,並將偏誤進行歸類和探討。本文結合訪談方式,以瞭解學習者的華語聲調學習策略及學習難點,進一步瞭解學習者聲調表現背後的學習背景及學習策略。
    通過針對峴港大學附屬外國語大學漢語言專業的45位學生,包含大一到大四,分為三組初、中、高級學習者進行。研究發現:在華語單音節詞方面,學習者表現良好,偏誤率幾乎為零;在雙音節詞聲調聽辨方面,難易度由高到低為:T4 > T1 > T2 > T3;雙音節詞聲調發音難易度由高到低為:T4 > T1 > T3 > T2。主要的偏誤模式為T1和T4混淆。「一」變調、「不」變調和T3變調的測驗偏誤分析主要以四種偏誤類型進行探討,為:過度概括、應用不足、合併與其他。研究結果表明,「一」變調的主要偏誤為「應用不足」,「不」的主要偏誤為「其他」偏誤類型,T3二字組的發現表現相對較好,主要偏誤為「應用不足」,而T3三字組變調發音表現較差,主要偏誤為「過度概括」和「應用不足」。
    根據研究結果,本研究針對越南學習者華語聲調習得難點提出相應的教學建議,包括:聲調組合感知訓練(perceptual training)、顯性教學法 (explicit)、應用語音訓練工具、錄音自我檢討任務。
    For Mandarin language learners, tones are one of the most challenging aspects, particularly the phenomenon of tone sandhi. Tones are crucial for distinguishing meanings in Mandarin. For Vietnamese learners, whose native language also includes tonal elements, tones might not be an unfamiliar concept. However, they encounter specific difficulties when learning Mandarin tones, especially with tone sandhi, which is absent in their native language. This study aims to investigate the perception and production of Mandarin tones, "一" tone sandhi, and "不" tone sandhi among Vietnamese learners. It also examines the production of T3 disyllabic words and T3 trisyllabic words tone sandhi. Through data collection and analysis, this study explores specific tone errors in perception and production among learners, classifies these errors, and discusses them in detail. Additionally, interviews are conducted to understand learners' strategies and difficulties in learning Mandarin tones, providing insights into the background and strategies behind their tone performance.
    The study involves 45 students majoring in Chinese language from the University of Foreign Language Studies - The University of Da Nang, ranging from freshmen to seniors, divided into three groups of beginner, intermediate, and advanced learners. The findings indicate that learners performed well in single-syllable tones, with almost zero error rates. In terms of perception of tones in disyllabic words, the difficulty order from high to low is: T4 > T1 > T2 > T3. For production of tones in disyllabic words, the difficulty order is: T4 > T1 > T3 > T2. The main error pattern was the confusion between T1 and T4. The analysis of errors in the tests of "一" tone sandhi, "不" tone sandhi, and T3 tone sandhi focused on four types of errors: over application, under application, combination, and others. The results show that the primary error for "一" tone sandhi was "under application", for "不" tone sandhi it was categorized under "others," T3 disyllabic words tone sandhi performed relatively well with "under application" being the main error, while T3 trisyllabic words tone sandhi had poorer performance with "over application" and "under application" being the main errors.
    Based on the research findings, this study offers pedagogical recommendations for addressing the challenges faced by Vietnamese learners in acquiring Mandarin tones. The proposed recommendations include: perceptual training for tone combination, explicit instruction methods, utilization of phonetic training tools, and self-review tasks using recordings.
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