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Title: | 音樂祭與利害關係人的價值共創-以簡單生活節為例 The Value Co-creation between Music Festival and Stakeholders: A Case Study of Simple Life |
Authors: | 彭匯文 Peng, Hui-Wen |
Contributors: | 張瑜倩 Chang, Yu-Chien 彭匯文 Peng, Hui-Wen |
Keywords: | 音樂祭 利害關係人 價值共創 利害關係人行銷 Music festival Stakeholders Value co-creation Stakeholder marketing |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 13:05:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著疫情後環境的復甦,民眾對於社交與現場體驗的渴望日益增加,也逐漸喚醒觀眾對與現場音樂展演的熱情與興趣。音樂祭作為一種集音樂、文化、娛樂、體驗與社交於一體的大型活動,正在各地迅速蓬勃發展。近年來,台灣也有越來越多組織開始籌辦音樂祭,不僅豐富了活動的多元性,也滿足了不同觀眾的需求與喜好,甚至成為推動地方經濟發展的重要推手,促進整體音樂產業的繁榮。以學術角度來看,價值共創 (value co-creation) 討論了行動者彼此協作,創造價值並整合資源的過程 (Galvagno & Dalli, 2014; Saha et al., 2022),與音樂祭多方利害關係人的合作過程密切相關。然目前有關價值共創的研究較為缺乏與音樂產業的連結,同時也較少聚焦於組織與利害關係人的關係,使音樂祭與利害關係人之間的互動缺乏深入的探討。 為補足上述研究缺口,本研究旨在探討音樂祭與利害關係人如何進行價值共創,並以發展歷史、品牌知名度以及展演內容的多元性作為個案挑選標準,選擇2023年簡單生活節作為個案進行研究。基於價值共創與利害關係人理論的基礎之上,本研究採用深度訪談法與觀察法作為研究方法,深入分析音樂祭各利害關係人之間的互動關係。 本研究提出,音樂祭的品牌價值與活動內容的多元性是策略經營的關鍵因素,並就不同利害關係人所投入之資源與重視的價值,進行詳細的分析與描述,以了解各參與者的目的與期望。此外,本研究也進一步分析利害關係人之間的價值共創的機制,並提出新的研究架構,以全面了解其中的資源交換與價值創造關係。綜上所述,本研究提出未來音樂祭經營的策略建議,以提升音樂祭利害關係人之間的合作成效。最後,本研究建議未來可針對不同形式的組織所籌辦之音樂祭進行研究,以拓展本研究的應用範疇。 As the impact of COVID-19 gradually diminishes, the public’s desire for social interactions and live experiences has grown, reigniting interest in live music performances. Music festivals, which combine music, culture, entertainment, experiences, and social interaction into large-scale events, are flourishing rapidly worldwide. In recent years, Taiwan has seen a growing number of music festivals, enriching the diversity of events and meeting the demand for different audience preferences and interests, while also driving local economic development and boosting the music industry. From an academic perspective, value co-creation discusses the process of actors collaborating to create value and integrate resources (Galvagno & Dalli, 2014; Saha et al., 2022), which closely relates to cooperative processes among music festival stakeholders. However, current research on value co-creation neglects connections with the music industry and rarely focuses on relationships between music festivals and stakeholders, resulting in a lack of in-depth exploration of their interactions. This study aims to explore how music festivals engage in value co-creation with stakeholders, using criteria such as historical development, brand awareness, and the diversity of content; thus 2023 Simple Life is selected as a case study. Based on the theories of value co-creation and stakeholders, this study employs in-depth interviews and observational methods to analyze the interactions among the various stakeholders of the music festival. The study proposes that brand value and the diversity of its event content are crucial factors for music festival management. It provides a detailed analysis and description of the resources invested and the values emphasized by different stakeholders to understand the purposes and expectations of each participant. Additionally, the study delves into the mechanisms of value co-creation among stakeholders and proposes a new research framework to comprehensive understanding of the resource exchanges and value creation relationships involved. In summary, this research provides recommendations for managing music festivals and improving stakeholder interactions. Finally, the study suggests that future research could focus on music festivals organized by different types of organizations to expand the application scope of this study. |
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