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    Title: 例規動態:組織轉型中的慣性與彈性樣貌
    Routine Dynamics: The Pattern of Inertia and Flexibility within Organization Transformation
    Authors: 關欣
    Kuan, Hsin
    Contributors: 蕭瑞麟
    Hsiao, Ruey-Lin
    Kuan, Hsin
    Keywords: 組織轉型
    Organization transformation
    Organization routine
    Routine dynamics
    Organizing practice
    Operating logics
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 13:04:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 企業為重拾競爭力而推動組織轉型,期望透過結構性的調整創造差異化。然而,在投入龐大資源後,組織變革卻僅成為局部流程優化,甚至被轉型所反噬。轉型的受阻肇因於組織例規中所存在的慣性,使企業難以引入根本性的改變,也忽略例規需釋放出彈性,需轉變更深層的運作邏輯,轉型才能奏效。忽略例規的慣性,企業即便引進尖端科技或大幅重整架構,也難以重塑組織能力和經營思維,使轉型則淪為空談。本研究將分析例規的慣性與彈性,探索對組織轉型所造成的影響。透過檢視一家美妝店與咖啡連鎖企業,本研究分析組織轉型時例規所產生的三層次變動:例規轉折、例規轉換與例規轉型,探索例規中慣性的形成與彈性的釋放。學理上,本文點出組織轉型的成效不應侷限於分析表層的例規變動,而需整合三個層次以剖析例規在變遷的幅度、作為的強度和思維的深度的樣貌,以理解例規產生慣性的過程及釋放出彈性的歷程。實務上,本研究點出,例規動態可闡釋組織轉型的狀態。這需檢視例規的改變是否落實於具體的改變,分析例規是否由運作性的做法發展成創意性的作為,以及企業運作邏輯是否發生根本性的轉變。如此便可知,轉型成敗的關鍵不在於觀察其漸進或激烈的變動幅度,也不能只以解凍過程看待,而需理解例規是否被慣性所牽制而讓轉型窒礙難行,更需明瞭例規能否釋放出改變的彈性,而使轉型水到渠成。
    To regain competitiveness, firms strive to implement various organizational transformations and expect to create differentiation by means of structural adjustment. Nonetheless, in spite of investing enormous resources, efforts of organizational change merely achieve local optimization and often spark a backlash by firms’ own transformation. The failures in transformation are endured by firms’ inherent inertia, with an excessive focus on veneer changes, ignoring the essential shift in underlying logics which is crucial for enabling the necessary flexibility for change. As such, no matter whether firms introduce advanced technologies or expand restructuring, it remains difficult to reshape an organization’s capability, and transformation is thus reduced to lip service. This research elucidates the contrasts between ineffective and successful organizational transformations, focusing on the aspects of inertia and flexibility. This study examines three levels of routine change during transformation, which include routine transitioning, routine transferring and routine transforming, thereby exploring how the interplay between the inertia and flexibility of organizational rules could significantly influence the outcome of transformation. Theoretically, the layered dynamics indicates, transformation effect should not include only superficial alternation, but require a contrast of routines’ adjustment range, explore the distinctiveness of practice, and track the depth of cognitive shifts. Such analyses are conducive to the comprehension of how institutionalized routines may release their flexibilities so as to facilitate transformation. Practically, this research highlights that the lens of routine dynamics helps to elaborate how transformation occurs within an organization. It demands an analysis of whether routines change could be realized in deeper reconstruction, whether practices could be developed into creative organizing, and whether members’ intention would encourage fundamental change in operating logics. Thus, the key to transformation success lies not in incremental or radical changes, but in whether strategic shifts engender the requisite flexibility for genuine transformation.
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