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Title: | 帶兵不能只帶心!靈性領導、職涯使命感與組織鑲嵌關連之研究-以國軍網電專業部隊為例 Leading with More Than Just Heart! A Study on the Relationship between Spiritual Leadership, Career Calling, and Organizational Embeddedness: A Case Study of the Military Cyber and Electronic Warfare Units |
Authors: | 胡哲源 Hu, Che-Yuan |
Contributors: | 甯方璽 Ning, Fang-Shii 胡哲源 Hu, Che-Yuan |
Keywords: | 靈性領導 職涯使命感 組織鑲嵌 Spiritual Leadership Sense of Career Mission Organizational Embeddedness |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 12:54:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本次研究在探討「靈性領導」、「職涯使命感」與「組織鑲嵌」之關連,並以「職涯使命感」為中介變項,檢視其對國軍幹部領導統御與官兵願意續服留營的中介效果。研究方法採量化統計分析,問卷調查方式歸納,研究對象為資通電軍所屬官士兵,問卷計發出280份,回收有效列計數210份,有效回收率75%。
經AMOS及SPSS軟體分析,發現: (一)靈性領導對組織鑲嵌呈正相關。 (二)靈性領導對職涯使命感呈正相關。 (三)職涯使命感對組織鑲嵌呈正相關。 (四)職涯使命感在靈性領導與組織鑲嵌間具備中介效果,為部分中介。
研究結果提出部隊管理實務意涵:部隊的「人性化領導」及「當責式賦權」會形成工作環境的善循環,讓部屬對身份產生「認同感」,對組織產生「歸屬感」,不僅增加留營意願,更能提升自我價值,帶兵不只帶到心,也喚起軍魂的信念,讓軍中成為官兵職涯自我實現的美好場域,當部隊全面走向人性化的領導和管理,捨去繁文縟節,專注戰訓本務,就能改變現狀,鑲嵌留人,有效提升全方位戰力。研究成果提供相關單位及學者參酌,期達國軍人力「幹部用心,部屬感心;適才適所,留長用久」的永續發展。 This study examines the relationships among "spiritual leadership", "Sense of Career calling", and "organizational embeddedness", with " Sense of Career calling" serving as the mediating variable. It investigates its mediating effects on leadership cohesion among military officers and soldiers willingness to reenlist. The research method employs quantitative statistical analysis, with data collected through a questionnaire survey. The study's subjects are officers and soldiers of the Information, Communications, and Electronic Forces. A total of 280 questionnaires were distributed, with 210 valid responses, yielding a response rate of 75%.
Analysis using AMOS and SPSS software revealed the following findings: (1)Spiritual leadership is positively correlated with organizational embeddedness. (2)Spiritual leadership is positively correlated with career calling. (3)Career calling is positively correlated with organizational embeddedness. (4)Career calling has a partial mediating effect between spiritual leadership and organizational embeddedness.
The research results propose practical implications for military management: "Humanistic Leadership" and "Accountable Empowerment" within the military can create a virtuous cycle in the work environment. This approach fosters a sense of "identity" among subordinates and a feeling of "belonging" to the organization, which not only increases their willingness to stay in the service but also enhances their self-worth. Leading with empathy touches the hearts of the soldiers and awakens their belief in the military spirit, making the military a fulfilling place for career self-realization. By fully adopting humanistic leadership and management practices, discarding bureaucratic formalities, and focusing on essential training and operations, the current situation can be transformed. This approach embeds retention and effectively enhances overall combat capabilities. The research findings are provided for consideration by relevant units and scholars, aiming to achieve the sustainable development of military personnel: "leaders with dedication, subordinates with gratitude; the right people in the right positions, long-term retention and utilization." |
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