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    Title: 外商來台投資技術取得的影響因素
    The Determinants of the Technology Acquisition for Foreign Enterprises in Taiwan
    Authors: 林筠家
    Lin, Yun-Chia
    Contributors: 翁永和
    Lin, Yun-Chia
    Keywords: 對外投資
    foreign enterprises
    technology acquisition
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 12:53:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究引用經濟部投資審議委員會 2007 年「華僑及外國人投資事業
    營運狀況調查表(非服務業)」問卷資料做為資料來源,運用 Multinomial Logistic Model 進行量化研究法的實證分析以探討影響外商來台投資之廠商技術取得方式的決定因素。


    Using a multinomial logistic model empirical analysis, the study investigate the determinants of the technology acquisition for foreign enterprises in Taiwan. We cited the questionnaire "overseas Chinese and foreign enterprises operating conditions questionnaire (non-service) " from the
    Ministry of Economic Affairs Investment Commission in 2007 as a data source.

    We have the following finding, "the industry category", "the pattern of the organization", "the proportion of foreign ownership", "the degree of internationalization" and "the proportion of R&D staffs" were 5 explanatory
    variables those estimated coefficients are up to the significant level. This means, these five variables played very important roles as the determinants of
    the technology acquisition for foreign enterprises in Taiwan.

    Through this research for the determinants of the technology acquisition for foreign enterprises in Taiwan, we sincerely hope this will help the private enterprises
    and our government to value those factors and promote our industries technology innovation ability.
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