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    Title: 中等學校教師職場霸凌、心理資本、社會支持和工作倦怠之研究
    The Impact of Workplace Bullying, Psychological Capital, Social Support and Job Burnout among Secondary School Teachers in Taiwan
    Authors: 廖菁芬
    Liao, Ching-Fen
    Contributors: 王鍾和
    Liao, Ching-Fen
    Keywords: 中等學校
    job burnout
    secondary school
    workplace bullying
    psychological capital
    social support
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 12:48:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 為了解我國中等學校教師職場霸凌、心理資本、社會支持和工作倦怠之相關,乃以臺、澎、金、馬的公立中等學校教師608人為研究對象,採用職場霸凌量表、心理資本量表、社會支持量表和工作倦怠量表等研究工具,調查所需研究之資料,再以描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、迴歸分析和結構方程式等統計方法進行分析。所獲得的結果分述如下:
    1. 中等學校教師職場霸凌、心理資本、社會支持和工作倦怠呈現中等程度的表現。
    2. 不同個人背景變項和不同學校變項下之中等學校教師職場霸凌、心理資本、社會支持和工作倦怠皆存在顯著差異。
    3. 中等學校教師職場霸凌、心理資本、社會支持和工作倦怠間有顯著相關存在。
    4. 中等學校教師所遭遇的職場霸凌、個人的心理資本和所擁有的社會支持,對其工作倦怠的解釋力為40.9%。其中所遭遇之職場霸凌對其工作倦怠的解釋力為28%,至於心理資本和社會支持對工作倦怠的解釋力,則分別為11.5%和1.5%。
    5. 中等學校教師所遭遇職場霸凌的多寡會顯著影響其對工作的倦怠程度,二者間為正相關的關係。
    6. 中等學校教師所遭遇的職場霸凌會透過個人心理資本的強度而顯著的間接影響工作倦怠的表現。
    7. 中等學校教師所遭遇的職場霸凌會透過所獲得社會支持的程度而顯著的間接影響工作倦怠的表現。
    In order to understand the relationship between workplace bullying, psychological capital, social support, and job burnout among secondary teachers in Taiwan, Pengu, Kinmen, and Mastu, a quantitative study was conducted with 608 secondary teacher participants. This study used the workplace bullying scale, psychological capital scale, social support scale, and job burnout scale as research tools. After sample collection, results were analyzed using statistical methods, including descriptive statistical analysis, t-test, single-factor multivariate analysis of variance, Pearson product-difference correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and structural equation model. The major findings of the research are as follows: 1. There are moderate levels of workplace bullying, psychological capital, social support, and job burnout among secondary school teachers. 2. There are significant differences in workplace bullying, psychological capital, social support, and job burnout among secondary school teachers. 3. There is a significant correlation between workplace bullying, psychological capital, social support and job burnout among secondary school teachers. 4. The amount of workplace bullying experienced by secondary school teachers has a 28% explanatory power on their job burnout. Additionally, workplace bullying, which uses psychological capital and social support as predictive variables, has an explanatory power on job burnout of 40.9%. The explanatory power of psychological capital in predicting job burnout is 11.5%, while the explanatory power of social support in predicting job burnout is is only 1.5%. 5. The amount of workplace bullying experienced by secondary school teachers will significantly affect their job burnout, and there is a positive correlation between the workplace bullying and job burnout. 6. The workplace bullying encountered by secondary school teachers will significantly and indirectly affect their job burnout through the strength of their personal psychological capital. 7. The workplace bullying experienced by secondary school teachers will have a significant indirect impact on job burnout through the degree of social support they receive.
    This study discusses the above findings and puts forward relevant suggestions for reference by secondary school teachers, school administration, teacher training institutions, and educational administrative authorities in practical work, policy formulation, curriculum planning, and academic research.
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