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Title: | 基於 LLM 的無監督多顆粒度重排序用於長文本檢索 Unsupervised Multi-granularity LLM-based Reranking for Long Text Retrieval |
Authors: | 吳家瑋 Wu, Chia-Wei |
Contributors: | 李蔡彥 黃瀚萱 Li, Tsai-Yen Huang, Hen-Hsen 吳家瑋 Wu, Chia-Wei |
Keywords: | 資訊檢索 大型語言模型 查詢重寫 文本壓縮 長文本 無監督式文本重新排序 Information Retrieval Large Language Model Query Rewriting Text Compression Long Text Unsupervised Text Reranking |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 12:45:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究提出Rate and Rank GPT(RRGPT),以提高文本重排序的效能與效率,並解決使用大型語言模型進行文檔檢索任務時遇到的長文本挑戰。RRGPT是一種新穎的資訊檢索方法,利用大型語言模型輔助資訊檢索系統中的子任務:查詢重寫任務和無監督式文本重新排序任務。在查詢重寫任務中,本研究將大型語言模型產生的關鍵術語堆疊起來,以擴充原始查詢。在無監督文本重新排序任務中,本研究提出混合式文本重新排序演算法,透過多顆粒度和低成本的方式,依相關度重新排序文本列表。對於長文本問題,本研究採用文本壓縮法從長文本中提取關鍵訊息,以確保文本符合大型語言模型的輸入長度限制。最後,本研究使用DL19和DL20的資料集驗證RRGPT在文檔檢索任務和段落檢索任務的表現。結果表明,RRGPT能更好地依相關度重排序文本列表,並且解決長文本問題。 This research proposes Rate and Rank GPT (RRGPT) to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of text reranking and to address the challenges associated with long text in document retrieval tasks using Large Language Models (LLMs). RRGPT is a novel information retrieval method that utilize LLMs to improve subtasks such as query rewriting and unsupervised text reranking within the information retrieval system. For the query rewriting task, this research stacks terms generated by LLMs to expand queries. For the unsupervised text reranking task, this research proposes the hybrid text reranking algorithm with multi-granularity that ranks a list of texts with higher accuracy and lower cost than traditional methods. For the long text issue, this research uses a text compression strategy to extract crucial information from long texts, ensuring the texts compliance the input length constraints of LLMs. Finally, this research empirically validate the effectiveness and efficiency of RRGPT using the DL19 and DL20 datasets for document retrieval tasks and passage retrieval tasks. The empirical results demonstrate that RRPGT improves the effectiveness and efficiency text reranking and addresses long text issue. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊科學系 111753141 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111753141 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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