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    题名: 以策略觀點探討高科技醫療設備採購: 以 S 醫院放射腫瘤科為例
    The procurement of high-tech medical equipment from a strategic perspective: The example of the radiation oncology department in S hospital
    作者: 吳佳興
    Wu, Jia-Shing
    贡献者: 彭朱如
    Peng, Tzu-Ju
    Wu, Jia-Shing
    关键词: 事業策略
    Business strategy
    High-tech medical equipment procurement
    日期: 2024
    上传时间: 2024-08-05 12:34:58 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 隨著科技進步,癌症治療的高價值醫療設備不斷推陳出新,此為病人帶來 新希望,對醫療從業人員也帶來新機會。然而醫院是否投資於高價的新科技決策 相當不容易。放射治療使用的加速器在所有醫療器材中屬於相當昂貴的設備,本 研究試圖從策略的觀點討論投資貴重儀器設備時應考慮的事項。本研究以個案研 究方法,經由文獻回顧,蒐集個案醫院「放射腫瘤科」之營運資料及設備利用率, 並比較衛福部公開資料如癌症登記,瞭解個案部門目前概況,與台灣其他醫院以 及世界各國比較。本研究以事業策略形態六大構面出發,理解個案醫院其過去到 目前的策略形態,過去的競爭優勢與目前的挑戰。比較各種設備採購方案對於支 持醫院及部門營運策略可能的影響。本研究發現,策略形態六大構面具邏輯性且 面面俱到的思維模式,可以幫助我們做出較高品質的決策。由於不同的內部條件 與外在環境,不同的醫院或決策者在不同的時間點可能做出不同的選擇。本文結 論不一定適用於所有醫院,但分析邏輯可供參考。
    The medical industry is constantly being revolutionized by new equipment as technology advances. This brings new hope for patients and new opportunities for healthcare professionals. However, the decision as whether to invest in costly new technologies is sometimes not easy. Accelerators for radiation therapy are among the most expensive of all medical devices. This study attempts to discuss the issues that should be considered when investing in expensive equipment from a strategic point of view. Using a case study methodology, the study was conducted by reviewing the literature, collecting information on the operation and utilization rate of the Radiation Oncology Department of the case hospital, and comparing the information published by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW), such as cancer registries, to understand the current situation of the case department, and to compare it with that of other hospitals in Taiwan and other countries around the world. Starting from six dimensions of business strategy, this study revealed the past to present strategy, past competitive advantages and current challenges of the Radiation Oncology Department in the case hospital. This study compared the possible impacts on strategy after organizing the various purchasing options. The results demonstrate that a logical and comprehensive way of thinking about the six dimensions of the strategic landscape can help us to make higher quality decisions. Different hospitals or decision makers may make different choices at different points in time due to different internal conditions and external environments. The conclusions of this article may not be applicable to all hospitals, however, the methodology and analytical logics can be used as a reference.
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