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    Title: 中國橫向和縱向核武擴散戰略研究
    A Holistic Overview of China’s Vertical and Horizontal Nuclear Proliferation Strategy
    Authors: 包瑞德
    Bauer, Reed Anderson
    Contributors: 何漢理
    Harry Harding
    Reed Anderson Bauer
    Keywords: 核武戰略
    Nuclear Strategy
    Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
    Missile Technology Control Regime
    Great Power Competition
    Discourse Power
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 12:33:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 最適合閲讀本論文的方法是將其分成三篇有關的文章,本文的每一章聚焦於中華人民共和國的核武擴散戰略不同的面向。在第二章,本文主張美國的接觸政策對中國的核武擴散戰略的影響甚微,反而是中國的地緣政治大局對後者的影響較大,例如,蘇聯垮臺以及國際制度的正當性帶動中國的核武擴散行爲。本章也發現,中國目前的戰略使用話語權為改變《不擴散核武器條約》的原則,首先是從放棄武器原則轉型到「大國先放棄」。第三章主張中國沒有加入《飛彈及其技術控制制度》是因爲中國決策者一般而言是反對國際軟法。第四章分析中國的縱向核武擴散戰略,使用Vipin Narang的類型學研究方法,並主張中國的核武戰略仍在轉型中。從區域核武國家到核武大國,以中國的核三位一體擴展以及追求更先進的核武功能(包括Launch Under Attack (LuA) and Launch on Warning LoW)為證據。
    This thesis is best read as three distinct, interrelated papers, with each chapter focusing on a different aspect of Chinese nuclear proliferation. In Chapter 2, this paper argues that the U.S. Engagement Policy had a negligible impact on China’s nuclear proliferation strategy, and that these changes were instead driven by China’s larger strategic environment, namely the collapse of the Soviet Union and the larger legitimating power of international institutionalism. This chapter also finds that China is attempting to dialectically re-shape the principles of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime away from disarmament, instead focusing on great power competition. Chapter 3 argues that China has failed to accede to the Missile Technology Control Regime due to China’s opposition to the regime’s soft-law framework, while joining the Nuclear Supplier’s Group as it did not require any internal reforms. Finally, Chapter 4 examines China’s vertical proliferation strategy, and using a typology developed by Vipin Narang, empirically argues that China is transitioning from a regional nuclear power status to a nuclear superpower, based upon the expansion of China’s nuclear triad abilities as well its pursual of additional capabilities such as Launch Under Attack (LuA) and Launch on Warning (LoW).
    Reference: References
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