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Title: | 導入排檢系統後對醫療品質之影響-以某區域醫院核子醫學科為例 The Impact of Introducing the Scheduling System for Nuclear Medicine Examination on Healthcare Quality:A Case Study of the Regional Hospital |
Authors: | 林佳築 Lin, Jia-Ju |
Contributors: | 李佳玲 林佳築 Lin, Jia-Ju |
Keywords: | 醫療品質 精實管理 排檢系統 品質指標 核子醫學科 品質改善 Healthcare Quality Lean Management Scheduling System Quality Indicators Nuclear Medicine Department Quality Improvement |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-08-05 12:22:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 醫療品質對於醫院的永續經營至關重要,為了使資源發揮最大效益並同時為病人提供優質服務,許多醫院採用各種方法提升醫療品質,消除浪費與無效率之精實管理即為其中之一。本研究以台灣某區域醫院的核子醫學科為研究主體,分析2022年與2023年兩年度來自個案核醫科之新舊排檢系統之資料及其品質指標,以探討個案核醫科因精實專案而導入新排檢系統後,對於三大構面品質指標(結構面、流程面和結果面指標)之影響,並使用質性與量化分析方法衡量影響程度。研究結果發現新排檢系統導入後,對於流程面品質指標有較多正面影響,顯示新系統改善了核醫科人員之工作流程。結果也發現新系統上線後,醫院之住院病患「報到後至取得診斷報告」之時間縮短了24分鐘,但門診病患的時間並未減少,顯示新系統對於個案核醫科之住院病患之正面影響大於門診病患。 Healthcare quality is crucial for the sustainable operation of hospitals. To maximize resource efficiency while providing high-quality services to patients, many hospitals employ various methods to enhance healthcare quality. Lean management, which aims to eliminate waste and inefficiency, is one such method. This study focuses on the Nuclear Medicine Department of a regional hospital in Taiwan. It analyzes data from the old and new scheduling systems and quality indicators from 2022 and 2023. The objective is to investigate the impact of the new scheduling system, introduced as part of a Lean project, on three dimensions of quality indicators: structure, process, and outcome. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis methods were employed to assess the extent of these impacts. The results indicate that the new scheduling system had a predominantly positive effect on process quality indicators, suggesting improvements in the workflows of the Nuclear Medicine Department staff. Additionally, the study found that after the implementation of the new system, the time from check-in to receiving diagnostic reports for inpatients was reduced by 24 minutes. However, no such time reduction was observed for outpatients, indicating that the new system had a more significant positive impact on inpatient care compared to outpatient care. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計學系 111353040 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111353040 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [會計學系] 學位論文
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