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    Title: D+AF短影音對消費者參與行為之影響
    Effects of D+AF Short Video Content on Consumer Engagement Behavior
    Authors: 陳炘瑜
    Chen, Hsin-Yu
    Contributors: 白佩玉
    Chen, Hsin-Yu
    Keywords: 品牌短影音
    Brand short videos
    Content characteristics
    Consumer engagement
    Social media marketing
    Short video marketing
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 12:13:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社群媒體如今是品牌與消費者溝通的重要橋樑,透過有趣的內容設計、清晰的產 品資訊促使消費者對品牌產生興趣,並進一步產生參與行為以及購買意願。本研究藉 此探討品牌短影音的內容特徵,了解其如何影響消費者的參與行為,並歸納影響流程 與調節作用。企業個案選擇上,以常利用短影音行銷的時尚產業,且成功在台灣獲得 可觀流量、話題性的女鞋品牌 D+AF 作為主要研究之個案。
    本研究採質化研究,對八位符合條件的受訪者進行一對一深度訪談,並整理其回 答結果,分析後得出以下結論:
    (一)在 D+AF 短影音中,直接參與行為(按讚、留言、分享)主要受到資訊相關性 和故事情節設計的影響,然這些影響過程亦受觀看短影音習慣、認知落差等調節因素 影響參與行為的發生。
    (二)在 D+AF 短影音中,進階參與行為(查訊更多資訊、與親友分享討論、瀏覽官 網、實體店鋪)主要受到資訊相關性的影響,而故事情節設計內容特徵則為調節因 子,影響參與行為的發生。
    此外,本研究亦針對不同內容特徵及消費族群(主動回應型、無動於衷型、尚待 接觸型),提出幾項品牌影音內容設計者之實務建議。包括在資訊相關性上,主動回 應型與無動於衷型消費者認為介紹產品應以更具體、個人化的敘述取代浮誇空泛的形 容詞,並且應增加直接呼籲消費者到官網瀏覽的文字,以促進參與;而故事情節設計 的特徵上,建議設計更多元、有創意且有別於抖音配音型風格的短影音內容,避免消 費者對內容感到疲乏、無趣,且短影音呈現重點應聚焦在鞋款而非整體穿搭,避免模 糊焦點而影響參與意願。而所有群體的消費者皆認為 D+AF 短影音的場景設計應增加 與故事內容的匹配性,藉此更加襯托產品的吸引力,才能明顯對參與行為有影響力。
    Social media has become a crucial bridge for communication between brands and consumers. Through engaging content design and clear product information, it fosters consumer interest, participation, and purchase intentions. This study examines the content characteristics of brand short videos and their influence on consumer engagement behavior, summarizing the influencing processes and moderating effects. The case study focuses on the fashion industry, specifically the women's shoe brand D+AF, which frequently utilizes short video marketing and has successfully garnered significant attention and traffic in Taiwan.
    This qualitative study conducted one-on-one in-depth interviews with eight eligible respondents, compiling and analyzing their responses to draw the following conclusions:
    1. In D+AF's short videos, direct participation behaviors (likes, comments, shares) are primarily influenced by information relevance and storyline design. However, these influencing processes are moderated by factors such as short video viewing habits and cognitive discrepancies.
    2. Advanced participation behaviors (seeking more information, discussing with friends, browsing the official website, visiting physical stores) in D+AF's short videos are mainly influenced by information relevance, with storyline design acting as a moderating factor affecting the occurrence of these behaviors.
    Additionally, the study offers practical recommendations for brand video content
    designers based on different content characteristics and consumer groups (active responders, indifferent viewers, and those awaiting exposure). For information relevance, both active responders and indifferent consumers believe that product introductions should replace exaggerated and vague adjectives with more specific and personalized descriptions. Increasing direct calls-to-action for browsing the official website can also promote engagement. Regarding storyline design, it is recommended to create more diverse, creative, and unique short videos, avoiding the fatigue and disinterest associated with typical TikTok-style dubbing content. The focus of short videos should be on the shoes rather than overall outfits to avoid blurring the focus and affecting participation willingness. All consumer groups agree that D+AF's short videos should enhance the alignment between scene design and storyline to better highlight product attractiveness and significantly influence participation behavior.
    In conclusion, this study, through qualitative interviews, outlines the processes by which brand short video content characteristics influence direct and advanced participation behaviors, addressing research questions related to consumer engagement and brand impression formation through short videos. The study also discusses its limitations and proposes future research suggestions for reference by other scholars.
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