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    Title: 台灣傳統紙本媒體在數位轉型下的策略目標差距研究-以《聯合報》為例
    A Study on the Strategic Gap in Digital Transformation of Traditional Print Media in Taiwan: The Case of the United Daily News
    Authors: 廖采潔
    Liao, Tsai-Chieh
    Contributors: 謝凱宇
    Hsieh, Kai-Yu
    Liao, Tsai-Chieh
    Keywords: 數位轉型
    Digital transformation
    News media
    United Daily News
    Strategic analysis
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 12:10:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 數位轉型已成為近年重要趨勢,對於受到新科技衝擊,前景未明的媒體產業而言,更是時常討論的變革方向。《紐約時報》、《衛報》都發展出不同的商業模式,成功轉型。台灣也有多家媒體推出數位訂閱服務,追求「新聞內容有價」的新商業模式。本研究通過策略性回顧,檢視台灣媒體現階段的轉型歷程,釐清現在面臨的挑戰,有助於在面對下一波新科技浪潮前,找出改善努力的方向。本研究以台灣三大報之一《聯合報》為對象,梳理企業自2009年來的數位轉型策略。研究方法以國際電腦稽核協會(ISACA)在2020年提出的數位轉型營運目標差距評估架構(Pearce, 2020),以及數位轉型成熟度模型(Gökalp & Martinez, 2022),並綜合其他研究文獻整理出分析架構,分析2021年出版的《聯合報數位轉型報告》(二手資料)(林秀姿、蔡佩蓉,2021),以及12位在現任或曾任職於聯合報系的受訪者回應(一手資料),針對轉型報告中的願景目標,以及受訪者們所回饋的實務狀況,分析數位轉型的目標差距,推論聯合報在轉型中面臨的挑戰,提供轉型的建議,與一般實務性見解。
    Digital transformation is crucial for the media industry, facing challenges from new technologies. Successful cases like The New York Times and The Guardian showcase varied business models. In Taiwan, media outlets are adopting digital subscriptions to value news content. This study reviews the digital transformation of United Daily News (UDN) since 2009, using the Attaining Digital Transformation Readiness Framework (Pearce, 2020) and the Digital Transformation Maturity Model (Gökalp & Martinez, 2022). It analyzes the 2021 UDN Digital Transformation Report (林秀姿、蔡佩蓉,2021) and interviews with 12 UDN employees.
    This study found that United Daily News (UDN) has clear vision goals and actively integrates new technologies to enhance efficiency and content quality, resulting in positive traffic outcomes. However, it lacks a clear value proposition for its new business model. UDN relies on existing personnel to develop digital skills, creating a multitasking phenomenon. The primary goal gaps lie in strategic governance and workforce management. Recommendations include establishing a clear value proposition, supporting the new model with IT, digital process transformation, and workforce management to achieve structural synergy. Additionally, clarifying digital edition positioning, aligning business goals, fostering an open culture, and retaining digital-savvy talent are suggested.
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