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    Title: 探討數位助推如何影響顧客情緒和態度:對於化妝品產業社會責任消費的啟示
    Investigating How Digital Nudging Shapes Customer Emotions and Attitudes: Insights for Socially Responsible Consumption in the Cosmetics Industry
    Authors: 陳玟靜
    Chen, Wen-Jing
    Contributors: 周致遠
    Chou, Chih-Yuan
    Chen, Wen-Jing
    Keywords: 數位助推
    Digital nudging
    Messenger effect
    Monetary incentives
    Socially responsible consumption behavior
    Social contagion theory
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 12:06:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著線上購物的風氣盛行,企業經常使用數位助推來刺激消費者的購買行為。常見的數位助推機制,包括提供折扣資訊等金錢誘因、傳遞者效應、利用意見領袖的影響力來引導消費者購買決策等。然而,過去的相關研究多數僅關注消費者行為是否會改變,而忽略了可能推動這些改變的情感與態度的因素。此外,在當代社會中,隨著人們愈加重視個人外貌,美妝產品的使用也愈趨普遍。遺憾的是,這些產品同時也對環境造成了一定的威脅,促使民眾逐漸意識到該產業的社會責任議題。因此,本研究以社會傳染理論為基礎,旨在探討消費者在數位助推的影響下,會產生正面還是負面的情感與態度,與隨後社會責任消費行為的關聯。研究採用質性-量化設計的混合方法,以更深入地了解塑造消費者行為的根本原因。研究結果發現消費者對於不同角色的傳遞者會表現出相異的態度與情緒變化,且態度與情緒間存在著複雜的關係。另外,金錢誘因發揮調節作用,甚至增加負面情緒的發生,這些因素共同影響了後續個人社會責任的行為。本研究預期可幫助永續化妝品企業在制定行銷計劃時做出更明智的選擇,以達成長期社會利益,並實現永續未來願景。
    Trending in online shopping, businesses frequently employ digital nudging to stimulate consumer purchases. These mechanisms include monetary incentives, such as providing discount information; messenger effect, harnessing the power of opinion leaders to guide consumer purchasing decisions. However, past research has focused on whether consumer behavior changes, while omitting the emotional and attitudinal factors that drive these changes. Today, there is a strong focus on appearance, leading to the widespread use of beauty products. Regrettably, these products pose a certain environmental threat, sparking concerns about social responsibility. Therefore, this study is grounded in social contagion theory and aims to investigate the positive or negative emotions and attitudes that consumers may develop under the influence of digital nudging. Additionally, we explore how these emotions and attitudes affect subsequent socially responsible consumption behavior. Researchers employ a mixed-methods approach with a qualitative-quantitative design to gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental reasons that shape consumer behavior, which may be related to product characteristics or marketing strategies. This paper discovers that consumers exhibit different attitudes and emotional changes depending on the role of the messenger. Additionally, there is a complex relationship between attitudes and emotions. Monetary incentives indeed play a moderating role and even increase negative emotions. All these factors collectively influence subsequent individual socially responsible consumption behaviors. This research contributes to assist sustainable cosmetics companies in making wiser choices when devising marketing plans and help achieve long-term societal benefits for a sustainable future.
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