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    Title: 不同世代公務人員之工作生活平衡與工作滿意度對機關離職傾向的影響
    The Impact of Work-Life Balance and Job Satisfaction on The Government Agencies Turnover Intention of Public Servants From Different Generation
    Authors: 林中聖
    Lin, Sen-Chung
    Contributors: 廖興中
    Liao, Hsin-Chung
    Lin, Sen-Chung
    Keywords: 世代
    Public servant
    Work-life balance
    Job satisfaction
    Government agencies turnover intention
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-07-01 13:32:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近幾年來,有相關報導指出公務人員因年金改革、工作壓力與責任龐大、薪資待遇差、沒有應有尊嚴等,而爆發離職潮,且隨著公務人力高齡化現象的加劇,職場世代差異的現象也逐漸擴大,然而絕大多數的公務人員普遍不會輕易地放棄公職身分成為部門離職者,反而是透過機關離職進行流動,以尋求公職生涯的延續。此外,世代之間由於生長背景的時空環境差異,以及年改後政府對公務人員退休福利的變動,不同世代之間對於離職的看法也可能有所異同。因此,本研究嘗試透過量化研究,瞭解與驗證不同世代公務人員對工作生活平衡,以及工作滿意度的看法對於機關離職傾向的影響以及程度,以及世代差異的調節效果。
    In recent years, some reports have pointed out that many public servants are choosing to switch jobs due to pension reforms, immense work pressure and responsibilities, inadequate salary and benefits, and a lack of dignity in the workplace. Additionally, with the aging of the public service workforce, generation differences in the workplace are apparently increasing. However, the majority of public servants don’t want to leave the public sector. Instead, they tend to seek career continuity by moving to different agencies. Furthermore, due to differences in growth background between generations and changes in retirement benefits for public servants after the pension reform, different generations may have different views on turnover intention. Therefore, this study attempts to use quantitative research to understand the impact of work-life balance and job satisfaction on the intention to change government agencies of public servants from different generation and the moderating effect of generational differences.
    This study was conducted through secondary data analysis. The data source is "Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research: 2022 Taiwan Government Bureaucrats Survey Data," which surveyed public servants and yielded 1,220 valid responses. The results showed significant differences in the turnover intention among different generations of public servants, the economic globalization generation has the highest turnover intention and the export-oriented generation have the lowest. Work-life balance and job satisfaction significantly negatively impact the intention of turnover. Generation differences have a significant negative moderating effect on the impact of work-life balance on turnover intention. Based on these findings, this study discusses and proposes practical recommendations for the public sector.
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