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    Title: 女性政治人物與新聞媒體報導之研究:男性凝視的媒體再現或互利共生?
    A Study of Female Politicians and News Media Coverage: The Media Representation of the Male Gaze or Co-Benefit?
    Authors: 王柏雅
    Wang, Bo-Ya
    Contributors: 魏玫娟
    Wei, Mei-Chuan
    Wang, Bo-Ya
    Keywords: 媒體再現
    Media Representation
    Male Gaze
    Co-Benefit Relationship
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-07-01 13:01:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 根據相關研究文獻,無論今昔,媒體報導對女性政治人物的再現皆著重於「外表」,包括長相(或稱「顏值」)跟身材,此為性別傳播研究中所批判的媒體再現的「男性凝視」,意指新聞媒體為其廣告收益而追求高點閱或觸擊率,讓女性政治人物在其報導中成為「被觀看」、「被客體化」、「被物化」者。但是對近年來臺灣選舉或政治相關活動的觀察可發現,在宣傳跟媒體曝光(即所稱「空戰」)對政治人物具顯著重要性的情況下,女性政治人物似乎也基於跟媒體的互利關係,有意識地共同參與媒體男性凝視的媒體再現。本論文旨在透過深度訪談,以女性主義觀點為分析框架,探討女性政治人物與媒體之間的互動關係,並與傳統和後女性主義進行對話。本研究的訪談對象包括立意取樣選取的3位女性政治人物與2位新聞從業者。研究結果發現,新聞媒體對女性政治人物的再現的確呈現男性凝視,目的為追求點閱率或收視率,以期增加男性消費者為主要對象的廣告收益。更值得一提的研究發現是,儘管受訪的女性政治人物也表達對媒體一定程度的不信任,但也承認就政治人物的曝光度而言,男性凝視的媒體再現對於女性政治人物是有利。從傳統女性主義傳播研究對男性凝視媒體再現的批判研究出發,本論文最後與強調自我性化是女性解放重要途徑的後女性主義觀點進行對話,以期對相關辯論有所貢獻。
    As pointed out in the existent literature, the representation of female politicians in media coverages focuses on "appearance", including their "facial attractiveness" and body shape. This is the "male gaze" of media representation criticized by feminist scholars in communication studies. From the perspective of male gaze, female politicians are “watched” and “objectified” in the news reports for the pleasure of men. Revenue of advertising expected to make by targeting at male consumers is the main if not sole reason for such media representation of female politicians. What is more important about the finding of this study nonetheless is that it seems female politicians have intended to use media for enhancing their exposure and raising their profile against the background against which “air battle” appears to be equally important for election campaign and political work as traditional “ground battler.” Through in-depth interviews with female politicians and TV journalists, this study aims to explore the interaction between the female politicians and the media, and to engage in a dialogue with traditional feminism and post-feminism. It is found that the male gaze on female politicians in media coverages is primarily driven by the pursuit of advertising revenue. A more important finding is the recognition of female politicians interviewed in this study of the existence of co-benefit relationship between them and the media despite of their general distrust of the media. This finding leads us to the discussion of “self-sexualization” as an approach for women liberalization in the studies of post-feminism.
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