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    Title: 社群媒體是維繫關係或宣洩管道?探討社交焦慮與自我揭露、幸福感之關聯性
    Do Social Media Enable Users to Maintain Relationships or Relieve Stress? Examining the Correlation among Online Social Anxiety, Self-Disclosure, and Well-being
    Authors: 林詠婷
    Lin, Yung-Ting
    Contributors: 施琮仁
    Shih, Tsung-Jen
    Lin, Yung-Ting
    Keywords: 社群媒體使用
    social media use
    social anxiety
    functional theory of self-disclosure
    self-disclosure motivations
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-07-01 12:46:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社交焦慮一直是學界及實務關注的議題,隨著社群媒體盛行,社群媒體使用相關的焦慮已成為當代社會的一種新型焦慮,影響著使用者的人際及心理健康,因此使用者在平台上人際互動的焦慮情緒特徵應被高度重視。本研究的理論根據網路增強自我揭露假說,取決於使用者的社交焦慮程度,線上溝通促進使用者的自我揭露,並能增強其幸福感,再納入自我揭露動機作為調節變項。其中,社交焦慮與自我揭露之間的關係有兩種爭論,社交補償理論及富者更富假說。本研究採用網路問卷調查法,分析564份社群媒體使用者樣本,支持富者更富的論述,且不因使用平台而有所差異;在線上社交情境中感知社交焦慮的人,其自我揭露的數量及正向性的程度較低,產生較少幸福感。研究發現,自我表達/紓解動機會負向調節社交焦慮和正向性揭露之間的關係,社交焦慮使用者將平台上的自我揭露行為視作情緒釋放的宣洩管道。儘管目前台灣使用者的社交焦慮傾向尚不明顯,本研究不僅釐清使用者現況,填補國內社群媒體社交焦慮領域的研究缺口,亦讓人們察覺使用社群媒體帶來的問題及效益。此外,有助於平台方、內容產製者更瞭解使用者的社交需求及行為模式,提供策略性思考。
    Social anxiety has been a longstanding focus of academic and practical inquiry. With the prevalence of social media, anxiety related to its use has emerged as an important issue in contemporary society. Such anxiety profoundly impacts users’ interpersonal relationships and mental health. Therefore, understanding users’ social anxiety in online interactions on these platforms is crucial. According to the Internet-enhanced self-disclosure hypothesis, this study examined the relationship among online social anxiety, self-disclosure, and well-being within the context of social media. Additionally, based on the functional theory of self-disclosure, it also discussed the moderating effect of three disclosure motivations. There are two debated hypotheses regarding how social anxiety relates to self-disclosure: social compensation hypothesis and the rich-get-richer hypothesis. Using an online survey methodology, this study analyzed a sample of 564 social media users. The results revealed that social anxiety is negatively correlated with both self-disclosure amount and positivity, while a positive association between self-disclosure and well-being was found. Our study supported the rich-get-richer perspective and remained consistent across various social media platforms. The findings indicated that the self-expression/relief motivation moderates the association between social anxiety and self-disclosure positivity, disclosing oneself on social media serves as a means to relieve stress. Despite online social anxiety among Taiwanese users not being prominently evident at present, this study addresses a research gap in the field of social media and social anxiety.
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